
Get FREE from the religious spirit

Things We can do to Get FREE of the Religious spirit

1.)           Check properly, and ensure that you develop your devotion and commitment to being in His Presence.

2.)           Develop a secret relationship with The LORD.

3.)           Pray that The Holy Spirit will give you the grace to love; same Love with which The Father loved The Son.

4.)           Spend quality time alone with The LORD each day.

5.)           Meet The LORD in worship at the early morning hours each new day.

6.)           Seek to hear The Voice of The LORD always.

7.)           Spend quality time each day in reading, meditating and studying the Bible -- asking The Holy Spirit to help you understand GOD’s WORD, and illuminate your mind and heart to comprehend and access the divine eternal treasures and realities of Heaven.

8.)           Ask The LORD to give you the love for your neighbors—that He has for them.

9.)           Seek to turn your criticism to intercession.

10.)     Continually ask The LORD to see His Glory.

11.)     Keep as one of your highest goals to manifest the sweet aroma of the knowledge of GOD in every place.

12.)     When you have failed to do any of the things listed above properly, ask Him for forgiveness and mercy.

  “… forgetting those things which are behind… press toward the mark for the prize of the High Calling of GOD in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:13-14 KJV).