
Your Daily Companion Episode 7

What You Should Know About
Your Daily Companion
The Holy Spirit

    *** E P I S O D E  7 ***


Your prayer language is a precious and important gift.

The Holy Spirit provided every nationality a language of their own. The Spanish have their language. The French, the German, the English have their language.

The Holy Spirit has a Language.

Twelve Keys You Should Know About Tongues And Your Prayer Language
1.)        The Language of The Holy Spiirt is called Heavenly Language (I Cor.14:2).
2.)      Qualities of this unknown tongue varies, and are rewarding, and apply to different situations (Acts 2:6-8). This was not the Heavenly Language, but, rather The Holy Spirit using another language or dialect to confirm His Presence among the disciples.
3.)      The Holy Spirit often uses varing ways to use “unknown tongues” to impress unbelievers about a supernatural GOD (I Cor.14:22).
4.)     The Holy Spirit is meticulous and orderly in how and when tongues are used (I Cor.14:13).
5.)      The Holy Spirit delights when you enter into a private time of intercession “through tongues” for others (Rom.8:26-27).
6.)      When you pray “in tongues” you are building up yourself, your faith and confidence in GOD (Jude 1:20-21).
7.)       Recognize that many times you do not really know what to pray about, so it is important to permit The Holy Spirit to pray through you.
8.)      Trust in The Holy Ghost when you pray, to avoid logic and the temptation to understand everything He is doing. He is at work.
9.)      Recognize The Holy Spirit as your Intercessor on earth and Christ Jesus as your Intercessor in Heaven.
10.)  Ask The Holy Ghost for the prayer language (Jam.4:2).
11.)    Be willing to grow into relationship, step by step, line by line, with The Holy Spirit.
12.)   Ask The Holy Spirit to draw you toward Him. You will behold and see truths you have never seen nor imagined in your life.