
The Ultimate Freedom

The Ultimate Idol
The Ultimate Freedom

It is no accident that one of the ultimate tests at the end will be whether or not people will take the mark of the beast, which is an economic mark.

The only way we will not take the mark of the beast is to have the mark of GOD. If you are marked by GOD—sealed with The Holy Spirit, you will never have to fear taking the mark of the beast.

The key to understanding the seal of GOD is understanding the bond servant—just as the key to understanding the mark of the beast is to understand the beast.

The LORD created us for Freedom.

Even though The LORD purchased us with His Blood, He will not force anyone to be His bond servant. So, what is a bond servant?

In Scripture a bond servant was one who was able to go free, but loved his master so much that he chose to be his master’s slave for the rest of his life. We too are free to choose whether we will be bond servants or not. Not all believers are bond servants of The LORD.

Before, we were the slaves of sin. The cross purchased us, and we are now Christ’s. we are no longer our own, but we belong to Him. A bond servant does not live for himself, but for his master.

To voluntarily become a slave is the ultimate commitment that can be made in this world. Those who are truly bond servants of Christ receive The LORD’s mark. But, all who are slaves to sin—the ungodly and the wicked, will eventually take the mark of the beast.

He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Rev 13:16-17 NIV

If the righteous are barely saved, what chance will the godless have?
1 Peter 4:18 TLB

The LORD is The best Master that one could ever have. The life of  a bond servant of Christ is the most fulfilling, the most interesting, and the easiest life that one could ever live on the earth. The fact that it is the “easiest” does not necessarily mean that it will be easy, but it will certainly be much easier than if we try to run things ourselves.

Being a bond servant of The LORD is to become His slave, but it is also the greatest freedom we can ever know in this life. When we are united with Him, by taking His yoke, we die to this world just as He did. When we are truly dead to the world, there is nothing the world can do to us.

The enemy uses fear to bind many just as The LORD uses faith to set men free.