
Revelation Of A Heavenly Mansion

Secrets Of The Kingdom
Revelation Of A Heavenly Mansion

To The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit I give all the glory for this divine revelation. I pray that whoever reads this article will glorify You, LORD.
I love You and praise You, LORD.

At break of dawn, Saturday 29th of September 2012, The LORD showed me in a revelation, a great white Heavenly mansion. It is indeed mighty and magnificent with four very tall and thick pillars supporting this glorious edifice.
It looked like the ‘kind of mansion’ you would find in places like in the UK, but, it is by far more beautiful and glorious. It appeared in the cloud, in this vision; of my morning sleep.
I looked at a further expanse of the sky, and also saw things like colorful books and wonderful mysterious objects which I could not recognize. But, I knew they are treasures of Heaven. All pertaining to the eternal Kingdom Of Heaven.

This is a Warning to people in the world and the Church that the Kingdom Of GOD is advancing—those who don’t walk by The Spirit, and in The Spirit, even though they are believers, would be overtaken by it.
From the days of John the Baptist until now,
the Kingdom Of Heaven has been forcefully advancing,
 and forceful men lay hold of it.
Matt 11:12 NIV

As a precious eternal prize — a share in the Heavenly Kingdom is sought with most ardent zeal and intense labor (good work).
We have The Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future Glory; we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons of GOD (Rom 8:23-24)
We, as Christ’s ambassadors, don’t have much time left in which to complete the work He has called us to do.

Natural and spiritual clouds have played an important part in the preparatory work The LORD does and continues to do in the lives of “His chosen ones” in this end-time.

Our Heavenly Father wants everyone to know how much He loves humanity, and how He desires to bless and eternally reward all those who love, trust and serve Him. He wishes to give His gift to all who obey His Word—and the gift of GOD is eternal life which is in Christ Jesus.

The LORD has made it known that many people who claim to be believers, are in reality functional atheists, they don’t really believe there is a Heaven.
On ‘this side of life’ (natural life), you can possibly catch a divine revelation of our glorious home above, for Heaven is so real.

GOD has a wonderful Plan and Purpose for your life. He has already prepared a home for all who will enter into His Rest.
Like me, you can discover the thrill of knowing that you are bound for the Promised Land.  

This is what The LORD is saying…
 “My Kingdom is ready for My children. Whoever is ready and
   wants to come will be permitted to be here”.

The mansions and castles in Heaven are real, and The Lord has already prepared them for us. More importantly, He wants us to be with Him forever!

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:1-3 KJV

The Heavenly mansions are for those who sacrificed for The LORD. He calls us to surrender everything to Him.

"'Our Father in Heaven,
hallowed be Your Name,
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done
on earth as it is in Heaven…
Matt 6:9-10 NIV