
The Mystery of His Will

The Mystery of His Will

And He made known to us the Mystery of His Will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times would have reached their fulfillment—to bring all things in Heaven and on earth together under
One Head, even Christ.
Ephesians 1:9, 10

The secret reason for which The Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ has been made known to us. God has given to us insight into The Mystery of His Will. This is in accordance with His good pleasure which He purposed in Christ.
Our Eternal Father lavished on us, divine wisdom and understanding; so that we may have practical insight and prudence into the knowledge of His divine Plan.
God's Plan—His Secret Design; His hidden Purpose, is revealed only to His people—His servants, and His prophets. Intellectuals and experts in sciences cannot know it, inspite of all there efforts to research, and find out the true meaning of life. They are unable to search-out "the scheme of things."
The full unveiling of this Mystery is for 'the maturity of the times', and 'the climax of the ages' to unify all things, and head them up, and consumate them in Christ, both things in Heaven and things on the earth.
He works out everything in agreement with the Counsel and design of His own Will. See verse 11 of Ephesians 1.

To understand The Mysteries of the Ages, we must first, receive the grace to live in (by and for) His Will and the ability to know 'The Mystery Of His Will'.
This is why it is stated in verse 18:
"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints."
To clearly understand this, read Ephesians 1:9-23.