

Part 3

The Arch-Angel Michael
Michael is a very handsome angel. He is seven feet tall, weighs 300 pounds, has sparkling deep blue eyes and blond hair. His complexion is very fair, and he has a wonderful smile.
Michael is an Archangel (an angel of high rank), who had special charge of Israel as a nation. He served as prince and guardian over the destinies of the nation of Israel (Dan 10:21; 12:1).  According to the Epistle of Jude, Michael disputed with satan over the body of Moses (Jude 9).

The Book of Revelation speaks of "Michael and his angels" (Rev 12:7), who struggled with satan when the devil rebelled against God at the beginning of time.

Michael means — who is like GOD?
This name was given to this GOD’s glorious angel as a title as one of the chief angels (Dan 10:13,21; 12:1).  He is "one of the chief princes" (Dan 10:13), a "prince" to Israel (10:21), "the great prince" who will deliver Israel at the time of the end of the Great Tribulation (12:1). In all these passages Michael appears as the Heavenly patron and champion of Israel; as the watchful guardian of the people of GOD against all foes earthly or devilish—as this was a time before the natural birth of  Christ The Messiah.

Michael is the archangel who led the angelic armies in the war in Heaven against the dragon and his fallen angels (Rev 12:7-9).

  “And there was war in Heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.  But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in Heaven. The great dragon was hurled down — that ancient serpent called the devil, or satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him”.
Rev 12:7-9 NIV

When the war broke out in Heaven; Michael and his angels went forth to battle with the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. Michael and his angels on one side, and the dragon and his angels on the other.
There was a great struggle on both sides— the dragon and his angels fought and prevailed not; “he was not strong enough”  “neither was their place found any more in Heaven” [Ref. KJV].

“And they lost their place in Heaven” [Ref. NIV].
They were defeated, and there was no room found for them in Heaven any longer.

The dragon and his angels were not only conquered, but cast out of Heaven.
Here is how the Victory was gained: [1.] the sons of GOD overcame satan, by the Blood of The Lamb, as the meritorious cause. The Lamb Of GOD was slain at the golden altar in Heaven before the foundation of the earth— Christ by dying on the cross and rising from the dead destroyed him that hath the power of death.

[2.] By The Word of their Testimony, which is The WORD OF GOD. This also is GOD’s great instrument of war; which is the Sword of The SPIRIT. And what is The Word of our Testimony?
It is the Scripture — therefore, by a resolute powerful preaching of the everlasting Gospel, which is mighty, through GOD, to pull down strongholds — [3.] and by their courage and patience in Christ’s suffering; they loved not their lives unto the death, when the love of life stood in competition with their loyalty to CHRIST; they loved not their lives so well but they could give them up to death, could lay them down in Christ's cause; their love to their own lives was overcome by a stronger love of the divine nature with The LORD; and this their courage and zeal in Him helped them to confound their enemy, and so contributed greatly to this Victory.

The sons are ready to lay down their lives for their lives for CHRIST. We as the sons of GOD have witnessed the Victory.

And they overcame him by the Blood of The Lamb, and by The Word of their Testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Rev 12:11 KJV

The Strength of the Church comes from The LORD JESUS CHRIST – The Captain of our Salvation. He alone is deserving of reward of Praise.

Because The LAMB has paid the price for our Victory over satan, sin, death, the grave and hell, He inherits 7 special rewards from the angels, the cherubims of Glory, and from the saints represented by ‘the elders of the Heavenly Sanhedrin’.

Those special blessings are:
  And Blessing.

  “And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the Throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; saying with a loud voice, Worthy is The Lamb that was slain to receive Power, and Riches, and Wisdom, and Strength, and Honour, and Glory, and Blessing.
And every creature which is in Heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and Honor, and Glory, and Power, be unto him that sitteth upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever”.
Rev 5:11-13 KJV.

Cherubims Of Glory