
The Person Of The Holy Spirit [Part 2]

               THE MYSTERY OF GOD
The Person Of The Holy Spirit
(Part 2)

The greatest Secret in the life of a believer.
The Secret to Power.
The Secret to Victory.
The Secret of Power over sin and over satan is this:
  “Where The Spirit Of The LORD is, there is liberty...”
(2 Cor.2:17)
This is The Secret to Power; the Secret to Victory. This is the greatest Secret in the life of a believer.

If you want liberty look for The Holy Ghost.
Liberty exists only where He is.

Without The Holy Spirit, GOD The Father will not speak and He will not act.
He is The Third of The Trinity revealed to us because of His Work—not because of a state of lesser Authority or Power.
HE is equal in Power, Majesty and Glory with The FATHER and The SON.
HE is The POWER of GOD The FATHER and HE is The POWER of GOD The SON.

He is The Power of The GodHead!

The Trinity can be described with the sun as ‘object lesson’ — GOD The FATHER being the sun; GOD The SON—the light.
And GOD The HOLY SPIRIT—the heat.
He is The One I feel within.

The SPIRIT OF GOD is The One Who manifests.
He is The ALMIGHTY—He is The POWER of GOD.
He is The POWER of The Trinity!

GOD The FATHER said:
  "Let us make man in our image…” (Gen.1:26).

JESUS The SON squeezed clay into a body.
And THE HOLY SPIRIT turned mud into flesh and blood!

Through Jesus Christ GOD made man and created the whole universe. And The Holy Spirit put breath into man and he became a living being.
If He can turn mud into flesh, then how much more will He do with you?
You need to be reacquainted with Him.                                       

When Mary said,
   “How shall this be…?”
   “The angel said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and The Power of The Highest shall overshadow thee…” (Luke 1:35 KJV).

Jesus is The Child of The Holy Ghost.

The Holy Spirit took GOD and made Him a man!
What Power is this?
HE is all POWER!
  “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith The LORD...” (Zech 4:6 KJV).

GOD The Father spoke The WORD.
GOD The Son became The WORD.
And GOD The Holy Spirit revealed The WORD.

The Holy Spirit is The One Who teaches all things.
He is The One Who reminds us of everything Jesus said in Scripture.
But The Counselor, The Holy Spirit, Whom The Father will send in My Name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
John 14:26-27 NIV

He brings all things to our remembrance…
He testifies of JESUS—never speaks of Himself.

When people don’t have The Holy Ghost, they are taught heresy—they accept heresy.
Where The Spirit Of The LORD is there cannot be heresy.
The reason why many people do not have The Holy Spirit is because they refuse the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And there can be no heresy where there is The Holy Spirit.

He is The Spirit Of The LORD.
Now The LORD is that Spirit: and where The Spirit of The LORD is, there is liberty.
2 Cor 3:17 KJV
The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of Jesus Christ.
He proceeds from Jesus.

When you receive Christ into your life, The One Who is The Spirit Of Christ will come indwelling in you.
He doesn’t speak about Himself; He comes to glorify The Father through The Son.
He reveals the blessed Work of Jesus on Calvary to the hearts of men.
He is The One Who reveals, The One Who manifests
HE REVEALS JESUS and makes HIM REAL to His Church.

When The Son left the world, The Holy Spirit came into the world; indwelling in our hearts—and when The Spirit Of The LORD leaves this world, we will leave with Him at the appearing of Jesus on the Day of Rapture.
Presently, the Church is still on the earth and The Spirit Of The LORD is upon GOD’s people in the world. But, after we have left with Him, the antichrist who is the false-messiah will come to the world to do the work of satan. And when the false messiah comes to the world, Judgment will come upon the world.