
WARNING: The Day Of The LORD Is Approaching

WARNING: The Day Of The LORD Is Approaching
Day of Raging Inferno

Mountains and buildings situated on locations in the world will be ablaze by inferno worse than all the bush fires that have plagued the world. This would rather be huge fires bursting forth everywhere and setting people on fire. Some of the people will jump into the ocean for relief, but when they step into the water, they would fall because of the fire. Every one of them will become human torch.
The ocean will become a cauldron of blazing brimstone and the sand will become a bed of hot flaming coals. Many people will run from the fire but, the flames will surround them and lick hungrily at their bodies. Some will run naked with no protection at all from the fire that pursued them. It would be futile anyway, for there will be no escape for them from the scorching enemy that threathened to devor them.
They cannot flee to the mountains because they will be engulfed in flames and no place will be safe.

The LORD says, this is going to happen soon!
This is going to happen after The LORD takes His children Home.
He says, many people do not believe His Word.
He says, “I Love all My children, but I cannot bring them to My Kingdom if they are not ready for Me.
…My Kingdom is completely ready now.”
“No matter how good people are, they wiil go to hell if they do not accept Me. My Father Loves all of His children, but He has given them certain Laws that He expects them to live by. Once a person goes to hell, there is no way for them to ever get out again. I want the unsaved to know this: the reality of hell is forever.
I Love every one of My children, but I cannot force anyone to love Me or to obey Me. If they will open their hearts to Me, then I can help them to believe in Me and love Me. I want to save as many souls as possible. I want believers everywhere to preach the Gospel. This is most important to Me.”

The last days are truly upon us. The LORD’s patience has been most gracious up until now, but He is getting ready to come again to receive His children to Himself. It is then that the people who remain on the earth will truly experience hell on earth, before many—those who lived for satan end up in the fiery inferno of everlasting destruction.
My job is to warn the whole world about these events that are ‘just around the corner.’

Wail, for The Day Of The Lord is near;
it will come like destruction from The Almighty. 
Because of this, all hands will go limp,
every man's heart will melt.
Terror will seize them,
pain and anguish will grip them;
they will writhe like a woman in labor.
They will look aghast at each other,
their faces aflame.
Isa 13:6-8 NIV

But The Day Of The Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. 
2 Peter 3:10 NIV

Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in The Day Of The Lord's wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of His jealousy: for He shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.
Zeph 1:18 KJV