
The Jesus Book


The Jesus Book by Michael Koulianos, softcover

The Jesus Book by Michael Koulianos, softcover

You are invited to personally experience Jesus! This book by international evangelist Michael Koulianos will introduce you to the only One who gave up everything to suffer and die for you. His name is Jesus. On the pages of this book, you will be taken by the hand and led to His loving heart. You will discover Jesus as Savior, Sufferer, Servant, Shepherd, Lover, Lord, Healer, Provider, God—and so much more. Whether you have known Jesus for years or have never met Him at all, this book will help you fall in love with Him in a life-changing way. You will discover His love, and love Him in return. Koulianos says, “Loving Jesus is the highest calling and the greatest achievement you can ever have. It is a never-ending experience that will consume you forever.” Request a copy of this eye-opening book with your seed-gift.