
We Are Not Forsaken

We Are Not Forsaken

Isaiah 40:11 - He will feed His flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in His arms, holding them close to His heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.
Ezra 9:9 - For we were slaves, but in His unfailing Love our God did not abandon us in our slavery. Instead, He caused the kings of Persia to treat us unfavorably, He revived us so that we were able to rebuild the Temple of our God and repair its ruins
Psalm 27:10 - Even if my father and mother abandon me, The Lord will hold me close.
Good News : We are not Forsaken, Abandoned or Forgotten; but Loved for who we are by He who Is and Who is to come.
That my friends is a promise that can sustain us. Our bodies are the temples that we will rebuild and our hearts repair from the devastation of abandonment. We can be assured that our God will never abandon us or forsake us. Look to God for your affirmation, not your spouse or significant other.  Only God can assure you of who you really are in His eyes.