
The Distinct Personality Of The Holy Spirit

The Distinct Personality Of The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is not just a Person, He is God. Coequal with The Father and The Son. The Holy Ghost is perfect, powerful, and glorious.
The Holy Spirit is a Member of the Trinity and yet is a different Personality from The Father and The Son.
The Lord Jesus predicted what would happen to you when you made a place for The Spirit. He said,
Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, Streams of Living Water will flow from within him."
John 7:38-39 NIV

Have you made room for The Holy Spirit?
All He asks is a place in your heart.
God has a detailed Master Plan for your life.

Members of The Godhead are distinct Persons—yet They are One. But when it comes to our personal relationship and communication with “GOD,” and understanding of The Father, Son, and Spirit is essential. Anytime you see God working, you see Him as One GOD. But if you truly know The LORD, you see some distinction in the way The Three Persons Of The Godhead think and in the way They act.

For example, when the Jewish people under the Old Covenant at different times, willfully and knowingly sinned in The Presence of The Father, do you recall what happened?
The Scripture records that they were either punished or slain.
But, Christ The Son dealt differently with those who knowingly and willfully sinned. Consider the case of the Pharisees. Did Christ kill them?
No! He rebuked them.

Don’t misunderstand this. God The Father did forgive, but He also killed, destroyed or punished those who refused to stop rebelling against Him. God The Son, however, responded in another manner.
You ask, “But what about The Holy Ghost?”
 What is His response to a person who knowingly, deliberately sins?”
He reacts differently from even The Father and The Son. The Spirit does not remove them or rebuke them—He convicts them and withdraws His Presence.
The Holy Spirit withdraws The Power Of His Presence when the Church sins against Him.
The Word makes it clear that there are differences or diversities of administration in the Godhead, yet they are One.
But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit
for the common good.
1 Cor. 12:7 NASU
The manifestation of The Holy Spirit in us is the evidence, the spiritual illumination of GOD’s Spirit for the growth and nourishment of The Body Of Christ.

The Father is The Operator.
Jesus is The Administrator.
The Spirit is The Manifest.

The primary work of The Father is that He operates. And The Son administrates the operation of The Father. And The Holy Ghost manifests the administration of that operation.

The Father is The Source of everything that we request from GOD. But The Giver is The Son. And The Power of the Source is The Holy Spirit.
It is The Spirit that completes the process of your healing, deliverance, restoration, miracle et cetera.