
The Joy Of Freedom In The Spirit

The Joy Of Freedom In The Spirit

To disobey is to feel condemnation and then guilt. But if you heed His Call, you know the joy of freedom in The Spirit: “For The Law of The Spirit Of Life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death” (Rom. 8:2). The Lawgiver in The Old Covenant was The Father, but The Lawgiver in The New Covenant is The Holy Ghost. Jesus gave the Commandments through The Spirit (see Acts 1:2), just as God The Father once gave the Law through Moses.

Angels were mediators of The Old Covenant; which was between God and the nation of Israel. Jesus Christ is The Mediator of The New Covenant; which is between God and all who have come to acknowledge and receive The Son.

Certainly we want to love Christ, but it is impossible unless The Spirit gives us supernatural Love. And how do you receive it? You simply say, “Spirit Of God, I surrender to You.” By that very act He will flood your soul with a Love for The Lord.
The more deeply you know The Holy Spirit, the more deeply you will know Jesus. It’s automatic.

The Spirit convicts and convinces. He enters your mind and presents The Truth of Scripture, convincing you of the validity of the Gospel.

And after you have given your heart to Christ, He is still right there, helping you witness for The Lord.

But as for me, I am filled with power,
with The Spirit of the Lord,
and with justice and might,
to declare to Jacob his transgression,
to Israel his sin.
Micah 3:8 NIV