
The Personality Of The Holy Spirit

The Personality Of The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit has a Personality, and I want to share Him with you.
Let’s take for instance, what makes a man a person?
Is it his physical body? I think not. I’m sure you have been to a funeral and have seen a body lying in a casket. Are you looking at a person? No! You are looking at a dead body. What makes a person is not the body. Instead, the person is what comes out of the body. Emotions, will, intellect, feelings—these are just a few of the characteristics that make you a person and give you a personality.

Beyond salvation, beyond being baptized in water, beyond the infilling of The Spirit, The "Third Person Of The Trinity" is waiting for you to meet Him personally. He yearns for a lifelong relationship.

For instance; if you had dialed my telephone number two years ago and we got acquainted by phone and if we had continued our conversations but had never met, what would you really know about me?
You would know the sound of my voice as it comes through the phone. But, you wouldn’t recognize me if you saw me on the street.
But then, the day comes when we meet face to face. All of a sudden you reach out to shake my hand. You see what I look like, the color of my hair and eyes, what kind of clothes I wear. Perhaps we go out for a meal, and you learn whether I like coffee or tea.
You learn volumes about people when you meet them in person.

Who is The Holy Spirit?
I want you to know He is the most beautiful, most precious, loveliest Person on the earth.
GOD’s WORD is Spirit and Life. His WORD is Truth.
The Holy Spirit is this Spirit and He is The Spirit Of Truth.
The Bible was written by The Holy Spirit. He used men from all walks of life, but every one of them was led by The Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is REAL!
The Holy Spirit is not only real, but He has a personality.
But exactly Who is The Holy Spirit?
He is The POWER of The GodHead, The POWER of The Trinity.

Who is on the earth presently?
GOD The Holy Spirit. For GOD The Father came to do His work through The Son Who was resurrected, and ascended into Heaven.
GOD The Son is not on the earth. GOD The Father is not on the earth. They are both in Heaven this very second.
When GOD The Son departed, GOD The Holy Spirit came, and He is still here with GOD’s people doing His work.
Think about it. When GOD The Son left, He would not even take John and Peter with Him. He said, “Little children, I shall be with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, where I am going, you cannot come…” (John 13:33).
Today, The Holy Spirit is resident in the sons of GOD on the earth.

But when GOD The Holy Spirit leaves this world, which will happen very soon, He’s going to take the redeemed of The LORD with Him to meet The LORD in the air.

What is His job?
The task of The Spirit is to bring into fruition the perfect Will of The Father and The perfect work of The Son.
To understand the task of The Holy Spirit we need to understand the work of The Father and The Son.
GOD The Father is The One Who gives The Command, He has always been The One Who says,
  “Let there be…”

  “Let Us make…”

On the other hand, it is GOD The Son Who performs the Commands of The Father. When GOD The Father said,
  “Let there be light”
GOD The Son came and performed it. Then, GOD The Holy Spirit brought the light.

Let me illustrate it this way. If I asked you, “please turn on the light,” three forces would be involved:
First, I would be the one who gave the command.
Second, you would be the one who walks to the switch and flip it. In other words, you are the performer of the command.
But finally, who brings on the light?
It is not me, and neither is it you.
It is the power—the electricity that produces light.

The Holy Spirit is The POWER Of GOD. He is The POWER of The Father and of The Son. He is The One Who brings into action the performance of The Son. Yet He is a Person. He has emotions, which are expressed in a way unique among The Trinity. You cannot be in touch with The Father and The Son without The Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:18).

The Holy Spirit says, “I am The One Who fellowships with you”.
The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Communion of The Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.
2 Cor. 13:14 KJV

May the Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Fellowship of The Holy Spirit be with you all.

The Holy Spirit is The One Who communes, Who fellowships with me. He is present to help me pray to The Father and to The Son.

The Holy Spirit is The only Teacher of the Bible.
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which The Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of The Spirit Of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
1 Cor 2:13-14 KJV

The Words of The Holy Spirit expresses spiritual Truths in spiritual Words. They are spiritually discerned. And these Words, He teaches us.  

When you make The Holy Spirit your Teacher, He makes The Word of Scripture come alive to you in living colors.
When you give Him full access to your life, your prayer life changes completely. You become familiar with His Voice. You recognize it. You respond to it. And the more you fellowship with Him, the deeper the relationship becomes.

The Holy Spirit is gentle yet powerful.
He stays close to those who love Him.

A person who knows the Presence of The Holy Spirit will always glorify and magnify Jesus. Every action of your life reflects what you fill your life with. If you fill your life with newspapers, you will speak news. If you watch soap operas, you will speak soap operas. But, if you are filled with The Spirit and you absorb yourself in His Presence, you will seek Jesus and glorify no one but Jesus.

If God The Father and God The Son demonstrated their Love for The Holy Spirit, how can we do less?
GOD Loved Him so much that He chastised the children of Israel for their disobedience:
But they rebelled, and vexed His Holy Spirit: therefore He was turned to be their enemy, and He fought against them.
Isa. 63:10 KJV