
24 Things You Should Know About Faith

24 Things You Should
Know About Faith

1.)        Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Heb.11:1).

2.)        Faith is in the present tense.

3.)        Faith is reality.

4.)        Faith is confidence.

5.)        Faith is invisible (Rom.8:24) but it is a supernatural force.

6.)        Faith is practical.

7.)        By faith we can obtain good testimony (Heb.11:2).

8.)        By faith we gain understanding (v.3).

9.)        By faith we can offer to God an excellent sacrifice (v.4).

10.) By faith we witness for Jesus.

11.) By faith we attain the resurrection.

12.) By faith we can please God (v.6).

13.) By faith we receive from God.

14.) By faith we obtain the Righteousness of God (v.7).

15.) By faith we have inheritance in the Kingdom of God and have access from here on earth, as Christ's ambassadors (v.8-10).

16.) By faith we see Him Who is invisible; we behold The King (v.27).

17.) Faith acts on God's Word.

18.) Faith is a master key.

19.) Faith obeys The Word of God (James 1:19-27).

20.) Faith proves itself by action (James 2:14-26) so that by obedience faith is made perfect.

21.) Faith produces wisdom (James 3:13-18).

22.) Faith produces humility (James 4:1-10).

23.) Faith produces dependence on God (James 4:13-17)

24.) Faith awaits Christ's Return (James 5:7-8).