
Babylon Falls (contiuned)

The 144,000 who were redeemed from among men (at the time of the Great Tribulation) will be presented as firstfruits to God The Father and to The Lamb—each of them will have The Father's Name written on their foreheads (Rev.14:1-4).
Remember that they are the Elect sealed in Revelation chapter 7.

There is the first resurrection and there is also the firstfruits which will be offered to God. The Book Of Revelation also talks of the second death (Rev.20:14). The power of the second death is at war against the Resurrection.

In same Book Of Revelation John the apostle heard an elder say,    
  “Do not weep. Behold, The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah has prevailed” (Rev. 5:5).
He turned, expecting to see a roaring lion, and instead he saw a gentle Lamb that had been slain.
Now Jesus went to Heaven with a physical body, with nail prints in His hands. But the symbol John saw was a Lamb.
The Lamb symbolized Jesus Christ— The Holy Lamb Of God.