
The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit: The Gift Of Healing

The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

The Gift Of Healing
The Divine Release of God’s Supernatural Power for Good Health, Soundness and Wholesomeness as A Result of His Compassion and Mercy

Healing can be immediate or gradual. Healing takes place by the Spoken Word. Healing also takes place by Jesus’ Presence, and by the Anointing with Oil.
Concerning this supernatural gift, The Lord declared,
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick,
and they shall recover.
Mark 16:18 KJV

Healing is God’s extraordinary Power for health recovery, and wholesomeness, physical-well being and mental soundness.
  “They shall take up serpents…” this was fulfilled in Paul, who was not hurt by the viper that fastened on his hand, which was acknowledged a great miracle by the barbarous people (Acts 28:5-6).
  “and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them…” The children of God in the world shall not only be preserved from hurt themselves, but they shall be enabled to do good to others.
  “they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
As multitudes had done by The Master's healing touch.
Many of the elders of the Church had this Power, as appears by James 5:14, where, as an instituted sign of this miraculous healing, they are said to anoint the sick with oil in The Name Of The Lord.
The apostles had assurance of God’s Grace and Might as they went about executing their Commission, when they had such credentials as these to produce!

When Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man with leprosy and said, “Be clean” immediately he was cured of his leprosy (see Matt. 8:3).
Instantly, the leprosy disappeared!
Instantly, the man was cured and cleansed!

When Jesus healed an official’s son—son of a nobleman, of intense fever, at the seventh hour (about one o'clock in the afternoon)—it was also an instantaneous healing. At the exact time at which Jesus had said to royal official, "Your son will live."  (John 4:46-54).

And the centurion’s servant was healed of paralysis at the very hour when Jesus said to the centurion, "Go! It will be done just as you believed it would." (Mt.8:5-13 NIV).

When the Power of The Lord comes present, the sick will be healed.