
Heirs of God

Names & Special Remarks
Given to
All The People Of GOD
Our heritage, our destiny, our authority and our identity in GOD’s Family and His Kingdom by divine Covenant are accentuated in the Names & Remarks He has given to us. 

Heirs of God

And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together.
Romans 8:17 KJV

Because we are God’s children, we are heirs — “heirs of God.” A heir is a person legally entitled to the property or rank of another higher or greater person. A heir legally has the right to continue the work of a predecessor.
As God’s children, we will share in His Heavenly treasures-for all God gives to His Son Jesus Christ is now ours too.
We are the legal inheritors of the Kingdom of God; for through Christ we now hold the right to receive all God’s spiritual, Heavenly properties. And He has promised to give to us His Name, His Position and His Title (see Rev. 3:12).
He wrote the names of all His heirs in the Book of Life; with the gift of Eternal Life; the promise of inheritance of the New Jerusalem; the right to eat from the Tree of Life; and the right to His Heavenly Throne (for clearer detail read Revelation 2 and 3).

In Romans 8, Apostle Paul describes a fourth illustrious branch of the happiness of believers, namely, a title to the future Glory. This is fitly annexed to our sonship; for as the adoption of sons entitles us to that Glory, so the disposition of sons fits and prepares us for it.
We are the beneficiaries of God's Heavenly Kingdom—legatees of His entire celestial city and royal estates; He has handed over all His properties and treasures by His Will to us.
GOD THE FATHER wrote the Will, GOD THE SON enacted the Will by dying for us on the cross, and GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT enforces the Will. Therefore, the transfer of God's assets to us is by bequest.

Imagine this for a moment: GOD has given to us His Heavenly country with all of the mansions, the castles, homes, fountains, vistas, living springs, the mountains, hills and rocks, the animals of Heaven like the horses; the entire landscape, the gems and vast resources within the beautiful and colorful environment of Paradise.  And above all, the right to inherit His Throne as His heirs.