
Prayer for the Unsaved by CHOO THOMAS

Father, I pray for the people’s work that is destroying others lives. Dope dealers, Porno dealers, Prostitutes, Abortionists, and the Gangsters of this world. I claim authority in Jesus’ name to break the yoke and remove the burdens in their lives. Let sin not have dominion over them and I ask you to release the captives from their bondages. Lord, let the power of your spirit transform and change the minds, the thoughts, the actions, everything about them and deliver them from their old lives to new life. Give them wisdom and knowledge so they will have a desire to do your work and follow you.

Thank you Father.

Father, I pray for the Gays and Lesbians of this world. I claim authority in Jesus’ name to break the yoke and remove the burdens in their lives and break their chains of bondage. Free them from their old lives and deliver them. Father, let their hearts turn to you and receive their salvation. Have mercy on them.

Thank you Father.