
The Eternal God

The LORD’s Attributes & Personality
Throughout the Scriptures as in reality in life, we discover that The LORD has AWESOME ATTRIBUTES & MAJESTIC PERSONALITY.

The Eternal God
The Everlasting God

Now to Him Who is able to establish you by my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the Mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the Command of The Eternal God, so that all nations might believe and obey Him
Romans 16:25-26 NIV

Verse 26 in the King James Version referenced The Lord with "Everlasting God".
The word “eternal” means lasting or existing forever—valid for all time. Existing through all time: lasting for all time without beginning or end. Unaffected by the passage of time.
The word ‘everlasting’ means, lasting forever or a very long time.
Our GOD is eternal—He is everlasting—and He is universal. He exists outside time, and He exists in time. He knows the end from the beginning, and the beginning from the end!
He is undying, unending, perpetual, endless, ceaseless, timeless, interminable, infinite, immortal, never-ending, and permanent.
The Eternal GOD has the Master Plan of Salvation for the Jews and for the Gentiles. We are established in Christ by the Gospel—this is a great Mystery with God, hidden for ages.

The Holy Spirit keeps us strong and steady in The Lord.