
The Ultimate Battle And The Ultimate Victory

The Ultimate Battle And The Ultimate Victory

There would be great worldwide moves of God like waves that would come upon the earth that would eclipse every previous revival in history.
The ingathering of those who were called to be laborers in the greatest harvest and the greatest move of God of all-time would come after it.
More people will come to Christ around the world than had come to Him through the entire Church age before that time.
Nothing had ever been seen like this before. Some of the greatest evangelists and missionaries in history would be released during this time, and whole nations will be transformed.
We will need all of this present time to get ready for the great move of God that is coming, which will be the greatest move of God to ever come upon the earth.

The major factors in the coming move of God will be the following:
1. the unprecedented ingathering of new believers,
2. the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the earth,
3. the Church becoming the “holy nation” it is called to be, a kingdom culture that spreads throughout the earth,
4. the emergence of apostolic and prophetic authority that measure up to their biblical stature,
5. all other authority on earth that is not obedient to the Lord will continue to collapse,
6. and the Church, “the Bride of Christ,” will make herself ready, becoming the greatest demonstration of God’s Love and Power.
7. then, the Bride of Christ becomes fully matured and ready for the Rapture.
The following is written to help us get ready by understanding the times, the unfolding events, and to see the coming Kingdom so that we can help prepare the way for the coming King.
A harvest is coming greater than all that came before it. In Matthew 13:39, Jesus stated that
“the harvest is the end of the age,” and at the end of this age the earth will experience the greatest ingathering of believers into Christ than in all other previous moves of God combined. Over and over Jesus warned that laborers were needed for the harvest, and this is one of the most desperate needs of the hour.
Because the harvest is the reaping of what has been sown, both the good and bad that has been sown in man will be coming to full maturity together.
Isaiah 60:1-2 described this time:
 "Arise, shine, for your Light has come,
and the Glory of The Lord rises upon you.
 See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but The Lord rises upon you
and His Glory appears over you.
As we see here, it is at the very time that darkness is covering the earth and deep darkness the people that the Glory of The Lord is appearing on His people. This time will be the ultimate clash between light and darkness, and both will be in their full maturity. Even so, the next three verses in this prophecy declare the outcome Isaiah 60:3-5:
Nations will come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
  "Lift up your eyes and look about you:
 All assemble and come to you;
your sons come from afar,
and your daughters are carried on the arm.
Then you will look and be radiant,
your heart will throb and swell with joy;
the wealth on the seas will be brought to you,
to you the riches of the nations will come.

This is the “sure word of prophecy” that cannot fail. The Light wins! The nations may be led astray by the darkness for a time, but ultimately they will turn to the Light and the Glory that is appearing on God’s people. A victory can only be as big as the battle, and this will be the ultimate battle and the ultimate victory.
Losing is not an option, and it is not a fair fight—our God is all-powerful and He will triumph. His Word will come to pass. We must keep this in mind through the times ahead because there may be times when it seems victory is impossible and that evil is prevailing. It will not stand.

The Lord loves the diversity of His creation, and when His Spirit comes upon us, it does not make us into robots, but unites with who we are. This is why John the Baptist, who came in the spirit of Elijah, was very different from Elijah in many ways. Elijah walked in extraordinary supernatural power, but John the Baptist did not—he was more a preacher of righteousness.

Authentic ministries are never copies of the originals, but all are unique just as we see everyone in Scripture being unique.
David could not wear Saul’s armor to fight the enemy the way he was skilled at fighting. It was an honorable thing for Saul to offer David his own armor, and David honored Saul by trying to wear it, but he also needed to have the wisdom and resolution to take it off.
It is time to put off Saul’s armor, which may have worked well for him, but is far out of step with these times. Even so, the message must not change, but in fact, in many ways, it has been changed. The original must be recovered if we are going to accomplish our purpose. The Gospel of the Kingdom, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Who He is and where He now sits, the Purpose and Power of His cross, and the Power of His resurrection, must be recovered and preached throughout the world.

To those who are diligent seekers of God and obedient to His Will, what is coming will not be a disruption, but rather a continuation. These things will happen to them as a natural flow of The Spirit and will move them to increased light and intimacy with Him. Those who are comfortable and resist change will have a very hard time. Even so, submission to The Lord, not the circumstances, brings Peace and Joy, and the Peace, Joy, and Confidence of those who serve The Lord will steadily increase.

We are told in Proverbs 4:18,
The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,
shining ever brighter till the full Light of day.
As we walk the path of the righteous, or the right path, our light will grow. It not only makes our own path clearer, so that we can walk with even more boldness and confidence, but it helps illuminate the way for others as well.
Because the Christian life of discipleship is one of ever increasing light, if our life is not this, then somewhere we have missed a turn and left the right path.
As C.S. Lewis wrote, “The wrong road never turns into the right road. If we are on the wrong road, then the only way that we can get back on the right road is go back to where we missed the turn.”