
the mark of the beast

“the mark of the beast”
“The mark of the beast" is a mysterious but, diabolical code number of “Mystery Babylon.”

The mark, the name, and the number of the beast is like puzzle.
His number can be counted, but wisdom is needed to do this.
You must discern and interpret it!
The code of the beast can only be calculated by wisdom. Daniel had such wisdom. It can only be decoded by insight and knowledge.
It is the number of a certain man; and his number is 666 [six hundred threescore and six] as written in the King James Version.

The only way to not take “the mark of the beast” is to receive “the mark of Christ.”

Apostle Paul said,
“Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body
the marks of Jesus”

Gal 6:17 NIV