

Out-of-Body Experience with The LORD.

On the faithful quiet night of Thursday October 22nd 2010, I had an out-of-body experience with The LORD.
My spirit-man was gently lifted above the roof over my bedroom while my physical body was still asleep.
The LORD showed me some of His faithful servants in Heaven, who were dressed-ready in 'a large white room' which seem to have no end. They each took out a Bible out of a box, going out for 'a special mission.'
Then, I walked up to a man in a fine long-sleeve shirt and trouser, who bent down and picked a big Bible with his left hand, out of the box. I could only see him from a rare view.  I requested to know from him; the purpose for such a preparation by the number of Christians which I witnessed there.
Surprisingly, when he turned to face me, he was my dad who slept in The Lord in the year 2002.
(Wow!) I had a sort of chill run through me.
With a wonderful smile on his face, he narrated to me in brief that, the purpose for their gathering in Heaven, with the collection of the Bibles in their hands was for a “special mission” to earth regarding 'endtime harvest of souls'.
Just immediately after he finished speaking with me, I heard “the Voice of The LORD” resounding from His Throne, saying to me:
       "Soul winning, this is what The LORD wants, at this time,
         Soul winning, soul winning,
          Winning of souls, winning of souls!!!”

Instantly, His wind took me away into the evening sky of the earth's atmosphere. The LORD showed me the cities of the world; places that are lightened up with electricity and cities that are totally dark.
I was afloat on His gentle wind over the sky, He raised me above the buildings and cities of the earth, and He took me upward a very high building, I touched the tallest visible building by the roof top.
Then, He conveyed me by His gentle wind back to my physical body lying in bed.