
Jesus like Melchizedek

Jesus, like Melchizedek
About 400 years after the days of Prophet Malachi, Jesus, The Only Begotten Son of God came into the world to fulfill the eternal priesthood, in “the Order of Melchizedek,” and establish The New Covenant forever by His death on the cross, and the shedding of His Blood for us. Whereby, He inherited a Name that is above every other Name—JESUS CHRIST.
The Name “Christ” [The Anointed One] is a divine “office.” And there are many “titles” within this “office” of our Lord. Prior to His human birth in The New Testament, He had always come to the earth, for the benefit of mankind, sometimes in the form of a “Man” (Gen.14:17-24; 18; 33:24-31; Josh 5:13-15) and at other times, as “The Angel Of God’s Presence” (Ex.3:1-5; Jdgs 2:1-5; 6:11-24; 13:2-24). In certain cases, “The Angel Of The Lord” comes in the likeness of a “Man,” as when He visited Manoah and his wife.
He is The Alpha and The Omega, The First and The Last, The Beginning and The End (Rev.1:8, 11).

Christ did not take upon Himself the glory of becoming a high priest (see Heb 5:5), but He was designated and recognized and saluted by God as “High Priest” after the order (with the rank) of Melchizedek (v.10).