
Proclaiming the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ

Proclaiming the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ
I can tell you without any reservation that the timing has never been more crucial for The Lord Jesus to move mightily in our lives. The nations are crying out for real answers, and we must answer this urgent Call!
We stand at a critical point in history. So many people have not yet been reached. They must hear the life-giving, miracle-working message of the Gospel!
There is so much to be done before The Lord Jesus returns to take His children home. Eternal souls are at stake! We must go now and proclaim the Gospel to the lost and hurting. There are untold men, women, and children crying out for salvation.
They want real answers. And we must answer this urgent Call! Just as the people around the globe are calling out for answers, our Lord’s cry for the world is getting louder and more urgent. His heart is yearning for the lost to be saved now!
Lost souls around the globe are like ripe fruits waiting for the harvest. If we do not share the Gospel with them now, they could fall off the trees and be lost forever. They must hear the Message of Salvation today!
We must answer the Call!

Jesus is Coming soon!