
The Elect The Church and The Great Multitude

The Elect The Church and The Great Multitude
The sealing of the 144,000 Elect began in the year 2007. That’s in Revelation chapter 7. This is connected with the number 7.
The next seventh chapter is chapter 14.
The sealing of “the Elect”-144,000 should be finished in chapter 14, in the year 2014, that’s exactly 7 years after the sealing began.
What is written on the foreheads of the Elect?
It is “The Name Of The Father” and “The Name Of The Lamb” –God’s Son.
Then I looked, and there before me was The Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with Him 144,000 who had His Name and His Father's Name written on their foreheads.
Rev 14:1-2 NIV

2014 is a year of God’s divine visitation.

Apostle John heard the Voice of Jesus in chapter 14 verse 2, and afterwards, the sound of harpists playing.
Right now, while the sealing of “the Elect” is on-going, those that will become part of “the Great Multitude” who will come out of “the Great Tribulation” are not yet to be sealed, but will first, declare their testimony for Jesus and stand for the Word of God—and wash their robes and make them white in the Blood of The Lamb (chapter 7:14). This is written in verse 14 because it is the number of Salvation.
‘The Great Multitude in white robes’ had already been seen from the Throne of God in years past—in the opening of “the Fifth Seal” (see chapter 6:9-11).
The Lamb had already opened “the Fifth Seal,” therefore the hosts of Heaven already saw what is in it. GOD sees tomorrow today. HE knows ‘the end’ from ‘the beginning’ and ‘the beginning’ from ‘the end.’
Commencing in this fiscal year-2014, GOD expects the more, to see “the patience of the saints” who keep the Commandments of GOD and the Testimony of JESUS.
Persecution is coming to “the Church”—the faith of every-man will be tested! Count on it!
“Blessed are the dead who die in The LORD from now on.” “Yes,” says The Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them” (14:13).