
What Is Prophecy

What Is Prophecy?
Though prophecy can be predictive or futuristic in nature, that’s not all that there is to prophecy.
Prophecy isn’t necessarily divided up into sub-divisions on the macro level. Whether it is a word of wisdom, word of knowledge or a predictive statement, all fall under the mantle of prophecy.
The word “prophet” means “an inspired man.” Under this simple interpretation, then, a prophet is one who gets inspiration from God, by the spoken Word or by vision, or by any other divine manifestation, and what he speaks under that inspiration is prophecy.
Prophecy, is simply speaking as a effect, acting as God’s interpreter. Much as a human who speaks English would have trouble speaking to someone who only understood Spanish, God speaks in Spirit—and humans only understand in the natural.
The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.
1 Cor. 2:14 NIV

The natural man needs an interpreter—someone who can understand what the Spirit is saying and translate it so the natural man can understand it.
The prophet is that interpreter. He takes what the Spirit is saying and speaks it to natural men and women.

Prophecy is simply saying what “thus saith The LORD!”