
His Blood washes and makes whole

His Blood washes and makes whole

By the Blood of the Lamb, any man, regardless of his failures and sins, can come equally to the foot of the cross and allow the drops of Jesus’ Blood to invigorate the soul that sin has lacerated and destroyed. We will never experience genuine revival until we allow all sinners to come to the fountain filled with Blood, drawn from Emmanuel’s veins!

The Blood of Jesus Christ is God’s antidote to the plague of sin that has attacked the world. There is but one cure from the fatal infection of sin—the permanent remedy from the disease of all diseases—the Blood of Jesus which atones, washes and makes whole.
“Come to the fountain so full and free. Cast your poor soul at the Savior’s feet. Come in today and be made complete. Glory to His Name!” (“Down at the Cross,” Elisha A. Hoffman,1878).

The disease is sin, the wage or prognosis is death, and the antidote prescribed is the Blood and the Blood alone.

Beneath the streaming tears of  a grateful heart, through our trembling lips must emerge the birthing thoughts that Christ Jesus has done it all, and that we have nothing to boast in but His precious Blood—and His Blood alone!