
His Life Giving Blood

His Life Giving Blood

Every member of the body of Christ—no matter the function or position-needs the Life-giving Blood of the Lamb.
Without His Blood, we cease to have the proof of our sonship.
Isn’t the blood what physicians test to determine and verify who is the father of a child?
Just as when we received Jesus into our hearts by faith when we became born again, and Christ washed our sins, and made us whole by His Blood—even today, we still need His Life-giving Blood. All our strength and nourishment flow to us through His Blood.
No wonder satan hates the Blood of the Lamb; this is so because he knows that by the Blood we are redeemed, and because it continues to give us Life from day to day.
How much more shall the Blood of Christ, Who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
And for this cause He is the Mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the First Testament, they which are called might receive the Promise of eternal inheritance.
Heb 9:14-15 KJV

A major part of the Church has lost the teaching of the Blood. Many church leaders today have failed to teach believers about the Blood. Consequently, this has produced a generation of believers who though have been “endued with Power from on High,” but do not feel forgiven! They are empowered yet they are insecure. They are operating in the gifts, but living in guilt.
The Blood of Jesus has already totally destroyed the bondages that held us down! It was through the Eternal Spirit of God that Jesus was able to offer up His Blood. The Holy Spirit always refers us to the Blood of the Lamb.
There can be no “Pentecost” if there was no “Passover!”

Say the words of this prayer:
Dear LORD, I need the Life-giving Blood of the Lamb.
For I know that without your Blood, I cease to have the proof of my sonship in GOD.
Wash my sins with your precious BLOOD.
May Strength and Nourishment flow into me from day to day, through the BLOOD of CHRIST.
Now, satan, I overcome you by the BLOOD of the LAMB and by the WORD of my TESTIMONY, even as I love not my life unto death by the CROSS.
JESUS has prevailed for me through His BLOOD!
I am redeemed by the BLOOD of the LAMB!
In the NAME of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.