
BERNADA FERNANDEZ Prepare for The Lord's Return

Prepare for the Lord's Return!
5 Days in Heaven and Hell

by Bernada Fernandez

The testimony of Sister Bernarda Fernandez, who was privileged to be taken by Jesus Christ to visit the next world.
She met JESUS CHRIST—King of kings and Lord of lords—the One Who is more marvelous than the angels; dressed in white with a golden sash on His chest, on which is written in gold: "FAITHFUL AND TRUE." His face shone with gentleness and Love.
    Jesus approached me, touched my head and told me: "I am Jesus who died for you. Look at these marks in My hands, they are still there for you. I came down from My Throne of Glory to speak to you; there are many things in your life to put right. You are lazy and quick-tempered. Moreover, I do not want 25% Christian nor 95%, but 100%. If you want to go to Heaven, you have to be holy as I Myself am Holy; I came to take you for a journey."
"Do not be afraid. When judgment falls on this world, My Church will no longer be on earth."
The Lord told me again: "I who give Life, I take your spirit but you will come back and tell the people to trust Me fully. The one who believes in Me will never die"
Bernarda was privileged to enter a garden of magnificent flowers in Paradise, walked in the Precious Jerusalem, visited hell and saw the lake of fire, and she also saw the resurrection body that Christians who obey God’s Word will soon have. She came back with prophetic warnings for the city of New York and Venezuela.
The Lord led her to a store of crowns—crowns of life. She met Mary, and also met Archangel Michael who leads the Lord’s armies, and saw, the army of Heaven ready for battle—thousands of angels which are at disposal of the saints, against the evil one that is in the world.

Then Jesus told me: "Now I'm sending these thousands of angels on the earth to protect my people. In these last days, I will double My divine Protection. Satan also will double his attacks, but you should not forget that your God is great and mighty. If you are attached to Him nothing will happen to you."

Sister Bernarda, entered the celestial hall prepared for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
 The Lord gave me a robe of fine linen and a crown. I wore the robe and the crown, then, the Lord brought me to another place where I saw things like in a mirror. He told me: "There's neither stain nor grease on your robe, isn't it? None will enter through this door nor take place at this table, unless he is clothed like this. Some among My people on earth have dirtied their robes. Others have crumpled robes, and still others have put theirs aside, and have forgotten them. Tell my people that it's time they washed their robes, ironed them and took them back. Christians should ask the Holy Spirit to help them keep their robes in good state, because the King will soon celebrate the Marriage Supper in His Father's kingdom."

Then He told me, "Christians that I will take away with Me will be glorious, triumphant, spotless, blameless. Among My people there are lies, lack of love, My people are divided. I showed you the condition of Christians in these last days; Now I'm going to show you how the early Church lived. Those brothers and sisters were filled with the Glory of God. They constantly fasted and prayed; they preached My Word without any fear. Whereas present Christians think that I've changed, they also think that The Holy Spirit has changed. The big mistake of Christians today is the fact that they live a routine life, planned by human being. Therefore they've forgotten that the messages are from The Holy Spirit and from above. Tell My servants, the pastors that time has come to put behind those routine's programs. If they do, you will see the Power of God in your midst; The Holy Spirit Who was manifest in the early Church. He will perform signs, miracles and wonders in great numbers, causing the dead to rise. The Holy Spirit is still the same, it's you who have changed."

Prepare for The Lord's Return!

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