
A Divine Revelation of Heaven by Mary K. Baxter

A Divine Revelation
of Heaven

by Mary K. Baxter

This book is an account of a number of true experiences I have had with God. It is not the work of an overactive imagination or the pipe dream of someone who hopes for something better than this life has to offer.
Heaven is a reality, and the experiences I describe in this book are told just as they happened to me. I did not see everything there is to see in Heaven-it will take eternity to do that. I do not relate everything I saw in Heaven; even Paul did not do that. (See 2 Corinthians 12:1-4.) But I am relating all that God has told me to share.
I want to give special honor and thanks to my pastor, the Reverend Dr. T. L. Lowery, and to his beautiful wife, Mildred, for their support, encouragement, and valuable contributions in this endeavor. I also would like to express my sincere gratitude for the staff of the National Church of God and for the Reverend Marcus V. Hand for his editorial guidance on this book. Additionally, I gratefully recognize and credit all those at Whitaker House in New Kensington, Pennsylvania, who have been instrumental in so many ways in making both “A Divine Revelation of Heaven” and “A Divine Revelation of Hell” available to the reading public.
I am grateful to God who has called me to share this message. I thank you who have strengthened and encouraged me in my God- called ministry. God bless you all!
-Mary Kathryn Baxter

The inspired writings of Mary Kathryn Baxter are divinely anointed by God, and they have blessed hundreds of thousands of people. I believe it is of utmost importance to widely disseminate the message that God has given to her. She shares these experiences in hundreds of churches each year, and she has now put them down in book form.
As Mary Kathryn Baxter’s pastor for several years, I know her personally, and I fully endorse her ministry. God has placed His approval on her work by anointing her ministry and by giving this message such a wide acceptance.
This book is the result of many prayers, tears, and hard work. I pray that its wide distribution will be the cause of many souls coming to know the Lord and making preparations to spend eternity in Heaven!
-T. L. Lowery, Ph.D.

For this purpose you were born
To write and tell
What I have shown and told you,
For these things are faithful and true.
Your call is to let the world know
That there is a Heaven, and there is a hell,
and that I, Jesus, was sent by the Father
To save them from torment
And to prepare them a place in Heaven.
In “A Divine Revelation Of Heaven,” Mary describes the incomparable wonders of Heaven , the indescribable beauty of God that is evident all around His Kingdom,  the joyful citizens of Heaven of various nationalities, dressed in robes, the Cherubims of Glory and Seraphs of Heaven, and myriads of angels that obey God’s Command.
Mary was escorted into Heaven through the magnificent gate of solid pearl. She saw the indescribable landscape of The New Jerusalem with the most beautiful, colorful flowers, the Throne of God, the Lamb's Book of Life, the River of Life, mansions and lovely celestial homes, the glittering-diamonds for the soul-winners, and treasures of Heaven.
This Book also reveals “the perfect divine order and purpose which characterizes everything that happens in Heaven. Both angels and saints are continuously engaged in excellent, joyful service. No one is idle. No one is ever bored. Heaven is a Fair-Land—a busy place, filled with great excitement, and industrious enterprises.
God’s children, as well as the angels and all the heavenly creatures, serve Him day and night forever.

From the Throne of God. I could see a panoramic view of events that were taking place. I saw the same scene that John saw in his vision that he described in Revelation:
Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands.
(Revelation 5:11)

God’s throne was "high and lifted up" (Isaiah 6:1). Coming out from under the base, the River of Life flowed in its beauty and purity. The Glory of God overshadowed the Throne. It seemed that lightning, thunder, and voices were all around the Throne. John, in describing a vision he had of Heaven, said,
And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices. Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
(Revelation 4:5)

About the Author
Mary Kathryn Baxter was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She was brought up in the house of God. While she was still young, her mother taught her about Jesus Christ and His salvation.
Kathryn was born again at the age of nine teen. After serving the Lord for several years, she backslid for a season.
The Spirit of the Lord would not release her, and she came back and gave her life anew to Christ. She still serves Him faithfully.
In the mid-1960s Kathryn moved with her family to Detroit, Michigan, where she lived for a time. She later moved to Belleville, Michigan, where she began to have visions from God.
Ministers, leaders, and saints of the Lord speak very highly of her and her ministry. The movement of The Holy Spirit is emphasized in all her services, and many miracles have occurred in them. The gifts of the Holy Spirit with demonstrations of power are manifested in her meetings as she is led by the Spirit of God. She loves the Lord with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength and desires above all else to be a soul winner for Jesus Christ.
She is truly a dedicated handmaiden of the Lord. Her calling is specifically in the area of dreams, visions, and revelations. She was ordained as a minister in 1983 at the Full Gospel Church of God in Taylor, Michigan. She now ministers with the National Church of God in Washington, D.C.
In 1976, while she was living in Belleville, Jesus appeared to her in human form, in dreams, in visions, and in revelations. Since that time she has received many visitations from the Lord. During those visits He has shown her the depths, degrees, levels, and torments of lost souls in hell. She has also received many visions of Heaven, the Great Tribulation, and the end of time.
During one period of her life, Jesus appeared to her each night for forty nights. He revealed to her the horrors of hell and the glories of Heaven. He told her that this message is for the whole world.

“God the Father and Jesus Christ are the central focus of saints, angels, and all worshipping beings.
It is one thing to try to describe the wonders of this city; it is quite another to know that you will share the joy of it.”

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