
Prophecy 2011 and Beyond by John Lawler

Prophecy 2011 and Beyond by John Lawler
On 9-3-10 I asked the Lord, what I can expect to see in the upcoming year of 2011 in America and throughout the world. I believe I heard the Lord say: “My son during the upcoming year you can expect the same thing as what you have seen this year. There will be little or no change in the economy. The weather will not be any different than what you have seen this year. The time of the end is near and what I said will happen in My Word will be manifested throughout the earth. The earth will shake in many places and wars will continue to take place in various forms and places. I am about to move upon my people in a very meaningful way and the time has come to bring in the harvest of souls throughout this land. The one thing that will happen that will get a lot of attention will be the economy. There will continue to be a down turn in businesses throughout this land and those who are looking for work will not find what they are looking for. I am always available to those who don’t seek Me for their needs for they will have a very hard time providing for themselves in the days ahead. I will not allow man to continue to live their lives without Me being their source. The days ahead will be very hard for those who would choose to ignore me and go their own way”.

I asked the Lord again on 9-9-10 if there was anything else that he would like to share with me about the upcoming year of 2011 and I believe I heard the Lord say: “My son during the upcoming year there will be many that will fall by the sword. I am going to allow the war to begin that I spoke of in My Word in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Yes My son this war will take place as I have spoken it and all will know that My Word is true. Many think that these things have already occurred but I say no they haven’t. In the days ahead, much will be said of My Word and many lies will come fourth even as it has in days of old. I will show the world that what I have said in My Word is true and all will know for sure as time marches on. I am also going to allow the earth to shake in ways that man has yet to see and much fear will come upon the people as to what is to come. I am no longer going to hold back My judgments as I have in the past and man will now pay the penalty for its sin. Just to let the world know that I am the same yesterday, today and forever and that I do not change. What I have done in the past I will now do on a much larger scale. Look up My Son for your redemption is drawing near. Many will try to explain away all that is taking place in ways that will exclude Me but when I am through all will know Who is in control. Down through the ages man has pretty much done as he pleases but in the future it will not be as it has been. I am in control and man will find this out in a not so pleasant way. I will do as I please when I please and My Will will be accomplished on the earth in the days ahead. Don’t allow all that you see cause you to fear or doubt that I will protect those who are Mine for I surely will. No harm will come to My people but for those who oppose Me will find out the hard way that I am all that I say I am”.