

By Nicole
I had two dreams the night of 3/29/2011 ...possibly wee hours of the morning.
Dream 1:
I dreamed that I was standing outside with a large group of watchers from all the various internet rapture websites. Now this was not a group of Christian websites, ONLY the serious rapture websites. I am not even talking about the Christian websites that have a rapture area on their index of topics. I am talking about websites that have the word RAPTURE in them or their MAIN BOARD being the rapture. The group was quite large that was standing with me and I could see that they were from all over the world. I saw every race, color, ethnicity, man and woman, various ages, different walks of people like living in the country, city, etc. I saw the Lord showing me in this dream that He considers all the websites who are watching for the rapture to be one group of watchers. However, He showed me that there will be a great separation on the day of the Rapture even in this group. I was perplexed about it how someone on a watcher forum could possibly be left behind, but here is what the Lord showed me, that people dropping in on forums to make comments may just want to be in on the hype....or those that have been watching may not have true faith.
In this dream when I was with everyone outside, I saw a weird cloud in the sky. At first it seemed very trivial. But I heard a small Voice telling me to say something and I had to be quiet to hear. I pointed up in the sky, and I said doesn't that cloud look weird? The cloud seemed to be morphing into some kind of object. The serious Philadelphians started seeing this cloud morph into some sort of object and they all started pointing. I could see that the serious watchers wanted to be very careful one way or the other before they commented. They seemed to tread lightly as if going through a field of land mines. Whether or not they thought it silly to be watching a cloud, they did not say but kept their eyes on it for a while wanting it so bad to be a sign, something wonderful from the Lord. The other half of the group started making comments one by one. I heard comments such as It's JUST A CLOUD and YOU READ TOO MUCH INTO THINGS and I DON'T SEE HOW THIS CLOUD RELATES TO ANYTHING and BEING A SIGN SEEKER IS NOT BEING A WATCHER. The Philadelphians did not pay any attention to the comments at all and kept their eyes on the cloud JUST IN CASE. And guess what? It started morphing into a Bridal bouquet and it was pure white and the bouquet came down from the sky to the faithful watchers. The other part of the group were left behind.

Dream 2:
I dreamed that after the Rapture there was a large group in Heaven waiting for the Wedding of the Lord Jesus. All of a sudden there was this experience (which I think only symbolic) in which the BEST characteristics in each of us sort of "came off" of us.....characteristics in us that Jesus had worked so hard for during our life on earth. And when the "parts" of us came off, they all started floating and then they all came together and formed a woman. Now it was not a real woman, it was like a hologram and it was the Bride. She was the MOST BEAUTIFUL woman I had ever, ever, ever seen. She had a smiling face and she had on pure white. She was so very happy!

It is almost finished!