
The brazen laver

The brazen laver

The moment you yield, you come to the laver which was made from mirrors, made out of brazen bronze (Exo. 38:8), filled with water; which signifies the Word. James 1:23 calls the Word of God “a mirror.” We look through this “mirror” every time we read, study and meditate on the Bible—God's Word. God's Word truly cleanses and purifies our being. God's Word reveals our inward condition; our spiritual condition, and cleanses us. It's God's cleansing agent.
Ephesians 5:25-27 informs us that, Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the Word.
Our washing and cleansing by the Word should be daily, for we live in a polluted world.
You can't enter God's Presence without knowing Jesus.

You can't enter into His Presence without knowing the Power of the Blood and the Cross. And you cannot enter into His Presence without the Word washing your heart and your mind daily.