
The Gates

The Gates

Before you can enter into God's Presence, you must first, experience the gates.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving
and His courts with praise;
give thanks to Him and praise His Name.
Ps 100:4 NIV

The courts are just between the gates and the altar.
The gate speaks of Jesus and His fullness; that’s the gates of thanksgiving.
At introduction, He is the Man we identify with, this is the reason why Jesus was baptized in the river; the minute He was baptized by John the Baptist, He identified with sinful humanity.
When you got born again, you met the Lord at the gates, as the Savior of your soul; you met Him as the King of Glory, the Son of Man and as the Son of God.
At the point of reconciliation the Holy Spirit reveals Him to us as our Savior (signified by scarlet); and the perfect Man who is our High Priest (referenced in the white); then, we experience Him as the Son of God (represented by the color blue); and then, as the King (represented in purple).
If you had not experienced Him in all four revelations, you could not have been saved. Salvation is impossible, until you understand the 4 offices of Christ. That's why there were four colors of fabric at the gate of the tabernacle. These four colors represent Christ in His fullness at Salvation. But beyond the point of Salvation, are other colors of His other divine offices.

There are 7 revelations of Christ before you can experience the Presence of God.
The first is: His four offices; represented by the four colors.
The second: His Cross; of His sufferings, and death.
The third: His Word; which has been from the beginning, that was made flesh, and is God.
The fourth: His Life; He is the Eternal Life—the gift of God to us.
The fifth: His Spirit; with Whom we are baptized.
The sixth: His Power; which we encounter and receive through prayer.
The seventh: His Presence; which manifests to us when we receive a revelation of Him, and this causes us to worship.

Praise alone cannot usher you into His Presence, but worship is related to the Presence of God. You can thank the Lord without a revelation; thanksgiving is the utterance of the mouth. You can praise Him without receiving a revelation; praise is an utterance of the mouth. But you cannot worship Him without a revelation. So, something happens between the gates and the altar. Between the gates and the altar, there comes a revelation. And without that revelation, nobody can come any closer.

You can't really praise God until you have received Salvation and known Jesus in His four offices.