
The GLORY of GOD s Presence

The GLORY of GOD's Presence
The greatest treasure of secrets of the Glory of God's Presence in the Old Testament is seen in the tabernacle, while, the Book of Revelation in the New Testament has the greatest presentation of the resurrected Christ Who is the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
There are four colors of fabric at the gate of the tabernacle. They are scarlet, white, blue, and purple. These 4 colors represent Christ in His fullness at Salvation.
The scarlet presents Him as the Savior; white presents Him as the perfect Man; blue as the Son of God; and purple as the King.
Scarlet, because He is the Savior of man—the Lamb of God—our High Priest.
White, for He is the Son of Man Who identified with our humanity—and became the only perfect Man.
Blue presents Him as the Son of God in His deity—the Word that incarnated into a man.
And, purple presents Him as the King; the long-awaited Messiah—the Anointed One.

Matthew presents Jesus Christ as "the messianic King" which is also seen in the purple.  
Mark portrays Jesus as “suffering Servant” [the Servant of the Lord], instantly responsive to the Will of the Father. The white color presents Him as “the perfect Man.”
Luke presents Him as “the Son of Man” Who identified with the sorrow and plight of sinful man in order to carry our sins and sorrows and offer us the priceless gift of Salvation. The scarlet color presents Him as “the Savior”
And, John presents the deity of the incarnate Son of God Who Himself is GOD (John 1:1). The interpretation of the color blue is that He is “the Son of God.” 

He is our Messiah King; the Servant of the Lord; the Son of Man; and the Son of God, Who Himself is God.  John 1:12 tells us that we have received the right to become 'sons of God.'

So, when you read the Gospel, you receive the revelation of Who Jesus is.

                             Four Colors, 4 Gospels and 4 Revelations

                                          Matthew-Purple-the King

                                        Mark-White-the perfect Man

                                            Luke-Scarlet-the Savior

                                          John-Blue-the Son of God