
Vision 2-Submarines

                                              Vision 2: Submarines

A very large expanse of open sea is seen, as well as myriads of submarines in it. There is a harbour somewhere, but the submarines do not know the way to it, neither is any submarine allowed to enter the habour. Following this, a radio signal emanating from the harbour is received by part of this fleet of submarines, in which they are instructed to dive and come up again. Not all of those who heard the signal; obeyed the command, but those who do are changed into all manner of different surface boats, the moment they came up from under the water. These vary from freightships to warships and rescue boats, sailboats, etc. These assist one another as well as minister to the submarines, admonishing them to also dive and be changed.
After a long time a signal from the harbour is once again received by the surface boats in which they are warned that very bad weather is approaching. They are called (invited) to come into the harbour. A number of them heed this call and are then given instructions how to reach the harbour after they have started out on this journey. But by far the most of them choose to remain where they are, seeing they are in familiar water and the way to the harbour is unknown, and there is a threat of pirates along the way. After the called away ships have left 3½ days elapse during which the weather becomes progressively worse. During this time the remaining surface boats still minister to the submarines, trying to get them to dive and also change into boats. Only a very small number respond. Directly after this 3½ days all the called away ships return, telling the rest about the glory of the harbour and also that a big white ship will come and fetch them in due course and that they have to wait for this ship. These returning ships then go ahead and minister to the submarines, upon which very many of them dive and are changed into boats. For the next 3½ days conditions worsen more and more. The called away ships that have returned are not affected by these conditions. Throughout this second 3½ days some submarines still dive and are changed into boats. However, these become progressively fewer and fewer. At the end of this second 3½ day period (making a total of 7 days since the calling away) conditions change seriously for the worse. For the next 3½ days weather conditions become well-nigh unbearable. On top of this fleets of pirateships attack the boats. A small number of the called away ships (immune to both the weather and the pirateships) is still present assisting the boats which are in trouble. Also, no submarines get changed into boats during this final 3½ day period.

At the end of this time (which is now 10½ days since the calling away) an indescribably beautiful and large white ship comes to fetch the remaining surface boats. The pirateships scatter before it and flee. Having taking the surface boats to the harbour the white ship returns and destroys all the pirateships. It subsequently assembles all the remaining submarines into two separate groups. The one group is commended because all of them have jeopardized themselves whilst assisting one or more of the surface boats which were in trouble during the storms of the past 3½ days. They are then also changed into boats and allowed to roam the sea. The other group of submarines are condemned because they remained safely submerged during the storms, assisting no surface boat at all. These are all taken away and sunk.
Interpretation notes:
• Submarines = unsaved people (walking in darkness)
• Boats = born again Christians (walking in the Light)
• Dive and come up again = repentance, submitting to Jesus' Lordship, dying to the old life, living the new life – all symbolized by baptism
• The harbour = God's throne
• Pirateships = demonic/Satanic forces
• Every day = one year
• White ship = Jesus Christ, the Lord of lords and the King of kings

Course of events:
• After the calling away 3½ years elapse. The called away ones then return in supernatural form (being immune to the storms and the enemies). These gather in the great harvest.
• 7 years after the calling away the Great Tribulation commences which lasts for 3½ years. During this period the saints are overcome by the Antichrist forces (Rev. 13:7).
• Roughly 10½ years after the calling away the Rapture occurs.
• Subsequent to this Satan's kingdom is utterly destroyed.

• And after this the sheep and goat judgment (Mat. 25) takes place.