
Vision 11: The Broad and the Narrow Way

Vision: A group of people is seen and in front of them two roads. On the right hand a narrow, difficult road and on the left a broad, beautiful grassy path. The first person chooses the narrow road. After a short distance he goes through water up to his neck (baptism). On the other side of the waterhole a white dove appears and accompanies him the rest of the way (the Holy Spirit). To his right a narrower path appears. He decides to take this. There is a flower in the path which he picks and puts in his pocket. Farther along an even narrower and more difficult path diverges to the right. He takes this one as well. Having followed this to the end he suddenly finds himself on a gentle green slope up a very high mountain. He follows this right to the top of the mountain where he is welcomed.
A second person also chooses the narrow way and also goes through the water, etc. He also takes the first narrower road to the right, but he doesn't take the next narrowest one. The road he takes also brings him to the same high mountain, however this road ends up against a cliff which he has to scale in order to reach the top. This is both difficult and dangerous. However, he manages to reach the top where the first person already is and is also welcomed.
A third person also takes the narrow road and passes through the water, etc. But he doesn't take any of the narrower roads diverging from the first. His path also brings him to the high mountain. He also has to scale a difficult and dangerous cliff but can only reach halfway up the mountain with no way to reach the top. He is also welcomed when he reaches this destination halfway up the mountain.
The next person takes the wide road. After a while an even wider path forks to the left and he takes it. Farther along the way an even wider path forks to the left again and he takes it too. As he travels along he suddenly falls into a deep hole.
Yet another person takes the wide road as well as the wider road which diverges to the left but he doesn't take the next road which is widest of them all. He likewise falls into a deep hole.
In the same manner the final person also takes the wide road but sticks to the original one without diverging. He also falls into a deep hole.

Interpretation notes:
• The mountain represents the Kingdom of God.
• There are those who are greater in the Kingdom of God and those who are smaller.

Part 2
The scene is now moved to a open place in the midst of a city. Directly in front are two road signs.
The one on the left indicates 'Broad way' and the one on the right indicates 'Narrow way'.
The first person thinks for a long time about his choice, then takes the narrow way. The going is difficult, but he perseveres. After a while an even narrower lane forks away to the right. After contemplating for a while, he takes this narrower way. It passes in between buildings and does not look like a way to be traveled at all. He has to crouch low at times when going through narrow tunnels. Then yet another even narrower passage again forks off to the right. Again after contemplating for a while, he takes this narrowest way. This way is hardly passable and he has to inch along sideways to make any progress. He perseveres to the end where he suddenly finds himself inside a lift which quickly transports him to the top of a very high and very beautiful building where he is welcomed.
Back at the start a second person also takes the narrow way as well as the narrower one, but not the narrowest one. His road also leads him into the same building but in his case he is forced to use the stairs in order to make it to the top. This requires great effort and he sometimes slips and painfully falls down a few stairs. He does make it to the top and is welcomed there.
Back at the start a third person also takes the narrow way but refuses to take any of the narrower ways. He also ends up in the same building, but the flight of stairs available to him only takes him halfway up the building, leaving him no possibility to go any higher.
Back at the start a fourth person decides to take the broad way. This is an easy, wide, smooth, paved way. After a while an even better road forks away to the left. He takes this and after yet another while an even broader and more beautiful way forks away to the left. Again he takes this easier road. This road eventually leads down a long flight of stairs into darkness, and eventually ends up against a wall. As he turns, trying to retrace his steps, the stairs collapse and he can't get out.
Back at the start a fifth person also takes the broad way as well as the first fork to the left, but not the second fork to the broadest of ways. His road also eventually leads him down a flight of stairs and into a dead end, the stairs also collapsing behind him. In his case, he is not in total darkness, however, although in great distress and fearful anxiety.
Back at the start a sixth person also takes the broad way and sticks to the original one to the end. He also ends up in a dead end below the surface, with the stairs collapsing behind him. He also finds himself in distress and anxiety of mind, however not nearly as bad as the previous two, seeing that there is much more light where he has ended up.

Interpretation notes:
• The high building represents the Kingdom of God.

• The subterranean dead ends represent loss, darkness and weeping and gnashing of teeth.