
Vision 13: New World Order Destroyed

Vision: Ancient cities of Israel are seen, having walls around them. They are burning like an oven on the inside, yet do not burn out. Ancient Roman cities are also seen, without walls. They burn to a fine powder, nothing remains. In Rome some ruins remain, like the Coliseum. In the next picture, Rome is being rebuilt in its place. The men are mainly working on a pyramid structure with an eye at the top. At the same time, New York and the USA are being built up, bigger and higher than anything yet seen in the physical. The New Yorkers display great arrogance at their own achievements. Then the pyramid structure in Rome is finished. The next thing, this structure is utterly destroyed by fire, so is the whole new city of Rome. Then New York is also utterly destroyed by fire, then the whole of the USA, then all the earth is burned into a cinder. No water remains. The next thing, subterranean fountains burst forth. New plants appear and earth is turned into a paradise.

Interpretation notes:
• This is all symbolical, nothing physical.

• The New World Order, both the political and economical/commercial parts of it, is utterly destroyed after God allowed it to be established. The haughtiness of man shall come to a fall and God shall establish His Kingdom in its stead.