
Vision 15: Mark of the Beast

Vision: A very large beautiful building in Rome. On the front of the building in the center is the pyramid with the eye on top, rays shining out of the eye. On the left of the eye, 'NEW WORLD' and on the right 'ORDER'. High security set-up inside the building. Descending down below the building we find a group of people working under the auspices of the New World Order known as the Lucifer Organization. They work in secret, in three groups. The one manufactures computer chips, every chip is unique. Another group develops a scanner to use with the chip. This is designed to be quite inexpensive. The third group of computer programmers is developing a special website.

Following scene: A special event called 'The New World Day' is decreed around the globe. On this day everybody is supposed to receive a chip and a scanner. Everybody has to sign some agreement (content not made known in the vision) in front of a panel of judges. The chip is inserted under the skin on the back of the right hand, close to the wrist; alternatively on the forehead. This chip contains all of your personal information, bank details, etc. Every shop and business also has scanners to process your business. Those having received the chip has to log in on the special website on a specific time everyday. They log in uniquely by scanning their own chip and feeding the information into the computer. This has to be done daily. On the computer an image appears (blurred in the vision) and they have to worship this image in front of a camera which is in the scanner. Some Christians also accept the chip with the excuse that they intend to help other Christians who have not taken the chip. The scanner however, is also a tracking device and in this way the whereabouts of Christians in hiding is exposed. Russia and China both refuse to co-operate in this scheme.