
Visions from the Dallas TX Revival 4th Letter

Visions from the Dallas TX Revival (May-June, 1985)
These are the visions I received from the Holy Spirit during the Dallas, TX Revival in the summer of 1985.

4th Letter September 2010:
Time is short. The times are progressing—it can’t be stopped. I will deliver My people.
Write it down. Cling to Me—depend on Me. Nothing else will deliver you. I am coming soon. The world will see My wrath very soon. Nothing will save the ones who disobey. They cannot be saved if they turn from Me. The hour is short, so short you can see the times changing rapidly. It will be dark, so dark for those who refuse Me. I am their only Hope. People must see I am their only Hope. Come to Me at this hour. There is little time left.

Destruction, darkness is coming to the earth. This hour is bleak, so bleak. So dark—people must run to Me. I will save them—I Love them. They don’t listen. I am their only Hope, Salvation. I am their Salvation.

Write it down daughter, sister, My bride. Come down now. Lay down your weapons of destruction; weapons of the tongue; evil thoughts. The world will never be the same. All will be black. They will know, and they will see it is Me. My Salvation is their only Hope. I will break the tide. I will come for My people—those who truly love Me and repent of their evil ways. Justice will be served.

You will know I am God. Time is short. Your King is coming on blinding white doves—beauty indescribable, Heavenly beauty. The dawn will break over the horizon. And My beauty is splendid, breathtaking for those who are ready. Today you choose. The choice is yours. I lay it before you: life or death. The choice is easy but you make it hard.

I Love My children. My children know My Voice. I am calling them to come Home. Come Home to a safe Kingdom. Land of milk and honey—honey that drips—wine that tastes sweet. It is theirs for the taking if they surrender their hearts to Me. I am a gentle loving God, kind, a Deliverer. I am strong, a Strong Tower supporting them.

It will be time for Me to come and I won’t hesitate to move when it is time to get the bride. I won’t hesitate. My moniker is love. I Love My bride. She is waiting. I know My bride. I know who waits. Only those who wait will be ready and taken. I know My people’s hearts. Some make Me very sad.

The hearts that they are ready, they will be the ones I deliver. This is not hard, for this is Truth. Have I not said it in My Word. My Word is clear and uncomplicated. I would rather you be hot or cold but you are not and I must spit you out. These words are serious. It has been said by Me before nothing is new. The world drifts from Me.

Time is short. The plagues will begin. My people have no idea what it will be like. Life will never be the same. The hour is coming—choose life or death: simple choice. This is My Word to My people from My messenger. I use My messenger to give My Words.
The beauty of My Love cannot be measured or comprehended. Men do not know what they are rejecting. This world offers them nothing but pain and suffering.
I am coming. Time is short. They will know I am God. Time is short. When I deliver My people they will see that I am LORD. It will happen quickly. I come and then evil will rage. Soon the world will need to choose life or death…they must choose Me if they want to live. I give all for them. Didn’t I die? They are disillusioned by this world. How am I to reach them? I only have to plead. They think I am a GOD who won’t follow through with what I have to say. But My Word is true. It will happen. They will be amazed. Only those who are ready will go, My precious ones who love Me. I love them and they will never see destruction. Warn them sister, My bride.

This is your LORD. Time is short. Time is running out. The clock is ticking. I must come soon. Life will never be the same. Choose Glory or Destruction. You have the power to choose. Life is in your hands. I will not wait forever on My people. This is serious. The world will stop. The destiny of the world is death. If you stay you will die. If you leave—you must leave with Me. You must choose life or death. I come quickly. My hour is near—the hour I retrieve My Bride. She is ready. All is ready. The hour is close at hand. Be ready. Look for Me. I cannot wait much longer for a doubting generation. Only the pure of heart will see My face—My beautiful face. My heart is broken for those who will be lost.

Save yourselves, turn and surrender. The hour is close at hand. All will be dark soon, but the Bride will be safely put away. Be the Bride: turn, repent, come to Me. I am gentle. I am kind. My Words are soft and tender. I am a gentle God. My people see—My people know I am Love. I spare no expense for My children. Love is my moniker. This world is going to die out soon. Soon it will all be over. Repent while you still can. Please come to Me—I am waiting. These are your last opportunities. You choose: life or death.