
Why You Should Read HEAVEN IS SO REAL!

I praise the Lord and give all the glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.
My awesome mighty God has fulfilled every one of His promises for this book. When I see that people's lives are being transformed by "Heaven is so Real", it is worth every disappointment I have gone through. I believe so many readers have felt that they have been with Jesus in heaven and had seen the things the Lord showed me with this book. That is why they received an anointing from this book.
Some people said that they cried the whole time while reading his book. Some say strange things happen to their bodies like their stomach getting tight and some received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. All these things are happening to people because it is our Lord Jesus' book. As He has said this from the beginning, He has put a special anointing on this book so that people will be convicted and transform and He will be everything to them.
I want to say this to everybody - please read this book more than once! If you don't have a desire to read it, please put your hands on the book and pray in the name of Jesus for His understanding. The devil hates this book because it is Jesus'. I have heard that some people are so hungry for this book, even after they read it several times, they carry it wherever they go. Some, even after reading it, don't have much to say about it. The reason this really bothers me is because the Lord told me that the only people who will love this book are those who love Him and are ready and waiting for His coming. It will be sad for those who love the world more than Him. I understand these are the people who refuse to believe it.
Our Lord Jesus loves each and every one of us so much that He chose me for this book to give His people one last chance to prepare before He comes for us. For those who don't know much about the bible, some things are not that clear in the bible; (remember John 14:3) "and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am". That is the reason He chose me for His end time work. Each time the Lord took me to heaven, He continued to show me what He has prepared for his people. Because He loves us so much, He wants every one of His people to hear the trumpet sound. He doesn't want any of His people to be left behind.
I have selected some of the blessed testimonies to share with you. If you have already read the book, and you feel doubt about it, please pray about the book and ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding and read it again. This book is much more important than my life because it is so important to our Lord Jesus for each and every one of His people. As I said in the book I have Jesus love. Hallelujah!

Heavenly Father God, I come humbly before your Holy throne of grace in the mighty name of Jesus. I ask you to put a special anointing on each and every one who reads "Heaven Is So Real" and that they would receive this book as I have from you Lord. I pray that it would impact their lives like the testimonies I am including with this letter and that they would make a difference in the lives of others and glorify your name while they are on earth. Thank you Father that you have heard this prayer and your response. I claim everything I asked for. It is all for your glory. I love you Father. In the Holy Name of Jesus, Amen.


May God bless you,
In His Love,
Choo Thomas