
Endeavor to keep the fire burning!

Endeavor to keep the fire burning!
There are quite a lot of men and women of God who are doing great exploits for the Kingdom of God in these last days without blowing their trumpets. Many of them are God’s generals, but do not qualify for the handling of the Message of the Cross in this endtime. Many of them have labored for so many years in ministry, but have allowed materialism and things of this world to becloud them. Many of them have left the preaching of the Cross to ‘the message of prosperity’ and materialism. Their preaching and teachings are now centered on mundane things at the expense of the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As a matter of fact, many are just living in past glory. Therefore, God in these ‘later days’ brings out His reserves.

The Gospel is the heart-beat of Heaven, so endeavor to keep ‘the fire’ burning because we have only but a very short time—“final hour” before the glorious appearing of our great Lord and Savior to Rapture His Bride.