
Message Received by GAETON

Message Received by GAETON
I would like to share with you a word that I believe the Lord has placed in my heart.
The TRIBULATION is about to start!
Satan has started to hide those who serve him in cities prepared under- the earth), but I am about to hide those who serve Me in cities prepared in HEAVEN.

The WORLD is preparing to enter the GREAT TRIBULATION, but I (Jesus) am preparing to RAVISH my BRIDE!
The DELAY (the tarrying period) has come to an end.
It is now time to LEAVE, get your house in order and say goodbye to friends and family!
I am taking you home!
Because you have kept My Command to persevere, I also will keep you from “the hour of trial” which shall come upon the whole world (the coming Tribulation), to test those who dwell on the earth.
Behold, I am coming quickly. Hold fast what you have, that no one may take away your crown.
And the SPIRIT and the BRIDE say: come Lord JESUS, come.
Lots of Love,
Gate & Lory
