

Part 16
The Revelation Of Jesus Christ
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The prophecies written in the Book of Revelation are apocalyptic literature. These should give you eye ball visual of what is going on in the world today, and the things that will happen in the years to come.
Other examples of apocalyptic literatures can be found in the Old Testament in Daniel (chapters 7-12), Isaiah (24-27), Ezekiel (chapters 37-41), and Zechariah (chapters 9-12).

The Book of Revelation is the book of perfect ending. In it is the legal completion of “the Marriage of the Lamb and His Bride,” and the finalization of the Royal deal between God and man. It is the zenith of civilization and the apex of true worship.

The 3 arenas of prophecy are: “the Church,” “the Jews,” and “the Nations”—therefore, the Book of Revelation speaks more to “the Church,” Daniel speaks more to “the nations,” and Zechariah speaks to “the Jews.”

The Book of Revelation is the opening of “the Words of Prophecy” which was sealed; which we today, read in printed-paper-book—the Bible. It opens up the details of the Book of Daniel, which was sealed!
The word "revelation" means exposure, it means disclosure. It is an “eye opener.” It is the revealing of something previously hidden or secret.
The Book of Revelation is the last Book of the Bible, and the only Book of apocalyptic literature in the New Testament.

“Apocalypse,” the title of this book in the original Greek, means "unveiling" or "disclosure" of hidden things known only to God.