
The Mystery of the Shemitah The Seventh Sabbatical Year Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

The Mystery of the Shemitah
The Seventh Sabbatical Year

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
Yet it is affecting everything from 9/11 to the Rise and Fall of the US Economy—to the Crashing of the Stock Market to the Rise and Fall of Nations; everything from World War I, World War II, and the great events happening Now and in the Future.
It is a precise mind-boggling biblical mystery that is coming true even today! It affects the life of every human being on the planet Earth, since the day we were born!
"The Shemitah" literally is a release; fall, collapse or shaking...

On Mount Sinai, God commanded Israel that every 7 years they would have a Sabbath Year—"a year of rest." That ‘Rest’ was called "the Shemitah." In it there was to be no sowing and no reaping in the Land.
The last day of the Shemitah was called “Elul 29” – this was the last day on the biblical Calendar when all debt is wiped away. On that day, the financial account of the nation of Israel was wiped clean. This was to be a blessing, but when Israel turned against God, it turned to judgment.
Today, “the Shemitah” could in effect mean a recession or depression!
“The Shemitah” is very precise in its occurrence, down to the day, the hour, even the second! It runs in cycles of 7 years!

In 586 B.C. was The Fall of Jerusalem; this was because of the amount of “Shemitah” they broke. As a result of disobedience, it wipes out accounts and realities that are built up! It wipes out cities and nations!

The Last Five Great Economic Collapses in America since the past 40 years took place in:
Each of them was separated by a 7 Year period!
Each of those years was a year of "the Shemitah."

Majority of great collapses in history happened on “the Shemitah!”
The Collapse of the Wall Street took place 1937-1938.
The Great Recession – 2007-2008.
The Great Depression [Stock Market Crash] - 1929 is even linked to this!

America today is trying to make a name for itself like men did in the building of The Tower of Babel in 2200 B.C.
The highest towers in the world marked the rise of the greatest nations. In the Middle Ages, the center towers of the world were in Europe, like Castles of England. But, a change took place in 1870 as the greatest tower rose up in a "new Land"—that “new Land” is America! This tower was built precisely in Manhattan Island.
The next year, America becomes the strongest economic power on Earth as Chicago flourished in 1870/1871. The mantle went from Britain to America, and so the visible tallest tower marks this. From then on, America keeps building great towers on and on, within its cities, as she grows stronger and stronger.
At the end of World War II – 1945, there was a plan to build towers that would represent America's greatness—it was the Model of the World Trade Center. 1945 was “the Year of the Shemitah."
1966 (a year of the Shemitah), was the Commencement of the Construction of the World Trade Center—they completed the building in 1973 another Year of "the Shemitah." It was completed in 7 years, the exact cycle of the year of "the Shemitah."
Finally, in 2001, the twin towers of the WTC were destroyed in the Year of "the Shemitah" (after lasting only for 28 years).

The Shemitah wipes out accounts, and it wipes out realities that are built up too!

The collapse of the twin towers caused the Stock Market Crash - same day, in September 11th, 2001.
World Trade Center Destroyed - September 11th, 2001.
If the rise of a tower speaks of the rise of a nation, what does the fall of a tower speak of?

There is a rebuilding of a tower now, at Ground Zero; this is linked to defiance. It's probably going to be completed in “the Year of the Shemitah” that is coming.

“The Shemitah” gives the key to the rise and fall of Nations, like the Rise and Fall of America!
It is a Warning of America' Future!
This Mystery is so BIG that it affects everything!

1917 was “the Year of the Shemitah”—there was a fall on Wall Street.
It also caused a shaking of the nations, which triggered World War I from 1914 to 1918 (ended at 6am). In this period were the collapse of four empires; the German, Hungarian, the Russian and the Ottoman.
All collapsed in the Year linked to “the SHEMITAH!” Note that, “the Shemitah” is also linked to the rise of nations.
1917—the year that begins America's rise as World Power.
WWI began in 1914 and lasted till 1918. America entered into this World War in 1917.
A counting from “the First World War” to the fourth Shemitah—takes you into 1945—another global cataclysm—the peak of the Second World War.
Hitler began his attacks in 1938 (known as “the Faithful Year”), which was a “Year of the Shemitah”— it goes into 7 years—1945, another year of the Shemitah.
(World War II - 1939-1945).

In 1945, at the climax of “the Shemitah,” was the peak of the Second World War which at this time was nullified as it was 'wiped out.' Within the closing months of this year, while approaching the climax of “the Shemitah,” unleashed on the world, was the greatest power of The Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan - 8/9/1945.
In Berlin, the Allies had a victory parade, called: Berlin Victory Parade - September 7th, 1945 on the day of the end of “the Shemitah.” This world history launches America as the Super Power of the World.
Even the The Cold War in 1947 was “the year of the shemitah.” 
(The Cold War - 1947 – 1991).

In the next four Shemitah—1973, Abortion is Legalized - January 22nd. On this date, America decides to legalize the killing of unborn children. Same sin Israel was judged for. This is a sign of "the fall of a nation."
That same year, also, was the year America lost its first War—The Vietnam War, on the same day; August 15, America won the previous war, in the other “Shemitah.”
(The Vietnam War - 1955-1973).
In the same year of that fall, America built The World Trade Center-1973.

"The Shemitah" in this present time is a 7th Shemitah; it occurs 25th September 2014 till 13th September 2015.
GOD doesn't have to do anything during this period...BUT HE CAN!

“The Mystery of the Shemitah” is getting more precise and intense as it builds up!
The greatest Stock Market Crash in history was in 2001.
Seven years later was the Stock Market Crash in 2008.
America is progressing towards GOD's Judgment!

The Warnings of the Shemitah and the Blood Moon - Tetrad are converging!

In the Elul 29 of 1987, the Stock Market Crashed. This was the greatest wipe out of Wall Street in history.
Stock Market Crash – 1987 (Black Monday).

A Great Shaking is Coming to America!
The shaking will affect the economy and the financial realm!
Several services and infrastructure will be put to stop!
At this point, without Shaking, there can be no Revival!
Anything that can be shaken will be shaken!

The 7th Shemitah is 7 times 7 years (7 x 7) which is 49 years—leading up to the Jubilee! So, even “the JUBILEE” is linked to “the Mystery of the SHEMITAH.”
Jubilee is about Restoration.
2000 years ago Israel lost its inheritance; and “Jubilee” only comes in the year after “the Shemitah.”
The Restoration of Israel began with The Balfour Declaration - November 2nd, 1917 when Britain gave the Land back to Israel.
1917 follows “the year of the Shemitah.”

If you go seven Shemitah from 1917 it brings you to 1967The
Restoration of Jerusalem, right after “the year of the Shemitah.”
The next “Shemitah” is 2015, and the year after it would be 2016.
This 7th “Shemitah” could mean the Wrap Up!

“The Shemitah” holds the mystery of everything!