
Vision 19: Calling Away and the First Three and 5th Trumpets

Vision 19: 'Calling Away' scenes and the First Three and 5th Trumpets

Vision: Five separate scenes: In the first, Jesus Christ appears to the first person, telling him that He has come to fetch him home and asking if he wants to come along. This person is highly excited and just about leaps into Jesus' arms. They leave together. The same happens with a second person, who is also eager to go with Jesus, but Jesus tells him that he needs to stay behind to help the Christians staying behind. He pleads with Jesus to please not leave him behind but to take him with. His request is granted and they leave together. The same happens with a third person, who likewise wants to accompany Jesus. He also is instructed to stay behind to look after his fellow Christians. He sees this as a great compliment and honour and remains behind. In the case of a fourth person who also is eager to accompany Jesus, he requests permission to quickly go to greet his wife and children. When he returns, Jesus has left already. The fifth person expresses a problem: He has namely won the Lotto and has not had the opportunity to spend the money. Jesus says He knows about this, seeing that He arranged for this person to win. Jesus leaves without him. Exactly one year later the astronomers on earth suddenly detect a comet heading straight for earth. They try to keep it secret, hoping that it will miss the earth. This it nearly does, but as the tail seems to pass the earth it is suddenly caught by the earth's gravitation and pulled towards earth. It strikes Africa (all of Africa, however mainly in the centre) in the form of something like burning rocks. The main body of the comet meanwhile splits in two. The bigger part strikes the Pacific Ocean creating giant tsunamis, worldwide earthquakes, as well as volcanic eruptions. The smaller fragment burns out like a torch on its way down, becoming significantly smaller before striking the Amazon-basin. All the water in this area becomes poisonous. About two years later a big, brown, ugly individual is summoned before the Lord. He seems arrogant in all his ways. He is followed by thousands of smaller, ugly beings. These seem to be frightened out of their wits. They seem to be scared of impending punishment. The Lord then empowers this 'army' and commands them to inflict pain on the inhabitants of the earth, but they may not kill anybody, they may not harm plants or animals and they may not touch those who belong to the Lord. This carries on for five months. In the meantime a man stands up and makes war with Europe and with North Africa and overcomes them. After this he effectively rules over these areas as well as over the Middle East. In the Middle East he does many supernatural deeds and is accepted as their messiah. Initially he does not rule openly but apparently in the shadow of somebody else.

In the same period of time, China and Russia form an alliance and attack and destroy the USA. Subsequent to this China even attacks Japan and Vietnam with nuclear weapons. The European leader is advised by his counselors to not involve himself at this point in time with these conflicts. Roughly two years later the European leader declares himself as supreme commander and demands worship. About three years later war breaks out between the European Alliance and Russia/China Alliance. Shortly afterwards all the Christians on earth are translated into Heaven. After this event the international war turns nuclear with a terrible loss of lives. About three months later Jesus Christ with His heavenly host comes down on fiery horses and chariots. The picture shows a big valley where the European and Eastern forces now unite into attacking the heavenly army, seeming to not understand that Jesus is God. They are annihilated and Jesus returns to Heaven.