
Visions from the Dallas TX Revival 5th Letter

Visions from the Dallas TX Revival (May-June, 1985)
These are the visions I received from the Holy Spirit during the Dallas, TX Revival in the summer of 1985.

5th Letter Sept. 2010:
I am coming soon. The world will never be the same. The people think they have forever. They do not. I will be here before they realize. It is coming fast.
These are My Words, true and simple. Watch for it. The people need to know I am coming soon, very soon. Very soon it will be over. People will choose. Will it be Me or the adversary? I am the choice to make if you want Life and Peace. Choose Me, choose Life.

We have very little time left. The hour is closing in. Choices must be made. Choose Love or choose Death. Why is this choice hard? I offer Life Eternal. Please choose Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Your choice is simple but you choose death if you don’t choose Me.

We can run, we can fly, we can live together for all eternity. Make your mind up: the hour is now and time is closing in. The world will all end—all is ending. This is the final hour. Choose Life or choose Death. I am Life. The world is death. To live is to know Me—everything else is death. Everything else is temporal.