
Visions from the Dallas TX Revival LETTER FROM GOD

Visions from the Dallas TX Revival (May-June, 1985)
These are the visions I received from the Holy Spirit during the Dallas, TX Revival in the summer of 1985.

Letter from God Received on Tuesday 7th September 2010
For Susan & me: (The Lord was talking in plural form, so when He says 'You', He means you & me).

"Write it down, My daughter. You are not crazy, you hear My Voice and I have given you Susan as support. Encourage each other in these days with My Words. Let nothing distract you, you both hear My Voice. I shall use you as a mighty duo in My Hands. Much I shall reveal to you. Only listen to the hearing of My Voice and don't let yourselves be distracted by nothing. Don't worry about a thing or human. Only act out of My Love, if you stay in My Word & believe, you are walking in My Love. Don't let nothing distract you, do everything that I tell you. I have searched & I have found, My chosen people in these last days. Please obey at the hearing of My Voice. People do not realize how late it is. My Father longs to give the sign, all eyes are fixed on Him. Keep your eyes only fixed on Me, don't look at the left, nor the right, look at Me, I am Jesus, your leading-man to life, the only leading man to life. Trust My daughter, trust. I have prepared you for this. Don't look at the earthly circumstances. Keep your eyes only fixed on Me & let yourself be led by My Spirit. He is the One Who speaks. You hear His Voice, My Words, Me & My Spirit are One, we are a team & we want to help you both in this time. Stay close to My Spirit, He is the most precious Gift you own. If you don't have My Spirit, you also cannot have Me. Me & My Spirit are One. Be also you, one with Us. Yes, I speak to both of you. Trust on the hearing of My Voice. Don't doubt! I have searched & I have found, My choosen people in these last days. I am telling you, this is the last hour. This is for both of you. Be strong & courageous. Everything comes soon to an end. I Love your both hearts, keep setting it apart for Me. It belongs to Me. You belong to Me. This is Jesus."