
A Dangerous HOUR for the World

Time has been shortened and we are now living in a Dangerous Hour!
The world is facing its most dangerous hour—an hour that has not been seen in recent history.
The news is filled with reports of perilous situations, with frightening scenarios that could lead the world into unthinkable hostilities.
With hostilities on the rise around the globe—combined with emerging nations and terrorist groups gaining nuclear capability—the threat of intercontinental missiles and global nuclear conflict has never been more real.
The question is not IF—it is WHEN!
I am not writing to frighten you, but to stir your sense of urgency and tell you now that we are running out of time!
The situation on Earth has never been more dangerous, and our time has never been more limited.

The momentous truth has never been clearer: we must get the Gospel out with all speed and intensity!
We must tell lost and frightened humanity that there is hope, and His Name is Jesus Christ, the Son of God!

We must tell lost and bound humanity that there is a way out, and His Name is Jesus Christ!
We must tell them that there is only one Door through which they can enter and find peace of mind, and safety, and His Name is Jesus Christ!
The sad and growing reality is that the Gospel of Jesus Christ crucified is not preached in many of our nation’s churches. The message many are preaching has nothing to do with Jesus Christ or the Blood He shed on the Cross or Repentance for sin or the fear of Almighty God. Many preach a Gospel that speaks of self-reliance: how to beautify self, how to build self, and how to enrich self and succeed in business.

The Message We Must Preach      
But the world we live in is not interested in these things. Souls are crying out for the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Salvation, Deliverance, and Peace.
The world is crying for “the Peace that passeth all understanding” (Philippians 4:7), and the only way they can find that Peace is through finding the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, the Son of Almighty God, Who said:
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6).
This is the Message the world need to hear; it is the Message they must hear. And it is the Message we must preach!
The message of the Gospel is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, and only JESUS!

Once we tell them that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to Earth, died on the Cross, shed His Blood for humanity, became the substitute for the sins of humanity, and rose from the dead—once we tell them that this Jesus is ready to save them and is calling them to Himself, that He is the One Who said:
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you Rest….” (Matthew 11:28).

Once we tell them this, only then will the Power of the Holy Spirit descend upon these multitudes, only then will the Holy Spirit draw them to the Cross of Jesus Christ, and only then can they be saved and be transformed!