

The Book of Daniel is the only Book of the Bible with Historic Proof to the World, Today!
*The Ancient of Days!
*The Messiah Who is Sovereign over the Kingdoms of this World!
*The Angelic Prince of Heaven’s Battles!
*The Nations that Rose to Power!

Daniel, a highly esteemed prophet and servant of God declares that The Most High Rules in the Kingdom of Men.
He saw open vision of the appearance of the Son of Man—the First and the Last—the Ever-Living One.
He also saw a vision of the Antichrist, the Heavenly Host, the Resurrection and the Second Coming of Christ.

The Book of Daniel is like a panorama which connects the major events around the Universe and the World from the days of reign of the Chaldeans to the end of the World. The prophecies, dreams and visions in the Book of Daniel connect with Today's News around the World!

The Theme of GOD’s Sovereign Control in the affairs of World History clearly emerges and provides comfort to “the Church,” as well as to “the Jews” whose Nation was destroyed by the Babylonians.

Babylon, Media and Persia, Greece, and Rome rises to fall, but GOD ALMIGHTY will establish HIS Kingdom upon the Earth through CHRIST, for a Thousand Years, and HE shall Reign and Rule with HIS Redeemed People in Eternity.